Mia culpa - I prefer aromatics

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Mar 1, 2014
Exactly, only a complete moron would smoke flakes!!
Snobbery? I'm so sorry that you feel that way. What can we do to cheer you up? [:puffy:]
Cosmic, if you could stop being a moron that would be a good start. I'm not very hopeful about that though. You're probably too old, you live in the wrong State and the style of your shoes is all wrong, and you need Dreadlocks. Get some fair-trade neon slippers that were glued together somewhere in Africa and start playing in a garage band.

That's how you make the world a better place, isn't it obvious?
After that try finding a flake that's designed to spontaneously combust at exactly the correct density for a perfect Pipesmoking experience.

Mar 1, 2014
Dreadlocks, yes, but it must be with neon shoes while playing Base in your garage.

(I'm just trying to fulfill the Aro-smoker stereotype.)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 9, 2016
Virginia smokers like me are know it all elitests with huge endowments.

VaPer smokers are nicotine junkies.

Lakeland smokers are the weirdest in that they like strong tobaccos that are flavored like dead little old ladies.

Latakia smokers have to smoke outside, because no one wants to be around one of them when their pipe is lit. You'll see them huddled in the garage in the dead of winter. And, they stink, all the time.

And, aromatic smokers are really sensitive people, so now we just say positive encouraging things to them. Way to go!! Yes, we all love a sugary berry blend every now and then. Keep it up!! We're all winners here!! Yeah!!! :wink:
I can't stop laughing! :mrgreen:



Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
I wish I liked aromatics. I'm so one dimensional when it comes to smoking. I can't stay far from Carter Hall. Which is fine for me, I love the stuff. But I have been tempted to try Catham Manor, but when they list it as aromatic, I turn my head away. Is it anything like Carter Hall?



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Someone once told me that they thought of VaPer guys as being like BMW motorcycle riders. I had to ask a motorcycle guy what this meant. He said that Harley Riders are more lowbrow, knuckle-dragging fun loving, chest pounding apes! This guy was wearing a Harley Davidson T-shirt, so I guessed that he was talking from experience.

He said that crotch rocket guys were in another class, high risk taking, fast music, low intellect, big trust funds.

Then there are the BMW rider guys, frat boys, jerkish, pushing people around not in their clique, preppy, "look at my expensive bike" types of people.
Then there are scooters, Vespas and the like. Probably being driven by an aromatic smoker out getting some air on their vaginas. :puffy:



Feb 13, 2015
@Didimauw- I don't find Chatham Manor to be any more "aromatic" than CH. Yeah, it has a little casing, but no more so than CH. They both leave about the same amount of moisture in the bottom of the bowl. At this point, I actually prefer the flavor of the Chatham Manor. When it comes to the Prince Albert vs. Prince Andrew, I find original PA to taste much better. FWIW, I've seen CH/CM/PA/PA described both ways; some vendors say aro, some non.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
You're right, I wouldn't recommend them to beginners as the flavors of most VA flakes are very subtle and will likely just taste like smoke to a novice. If ya can't figure out how to get a flake to burn than move on, no one can do that for you, I don't understand how you would hold resentment for someone who suggests flakes though. People get passionate about what they like and want to share it but by all means, if it's not for you, than its not for you, maybe come revisit them another time. I moved on several times but I always came back to the flake to see if I could understand it and like I said before it has been a very rewarding experience for me.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
Cosmic, that motorcycle analogy is pretty accurate! I'm ashamed to say I've owned an R1, GSXR750, and a Ducati 748R :(
"I'd rather have a sister..." LOL AWESOME!!!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 23, 2015
Then there are scooters, Vespas and the like. Probably being driven by an aromatic smoker out getting some air on their vaginas. :puffy:
Geez Cosmic!!!! That was supposed to be a secret. Now how do I explain not one, but both of my Vespas to the other Forum members? Oh yeah, Italian Super Models want me to give them a ride. I'm good with that. :rofl:
(And yes, I really do have two 2015 Vespa Primavera 150's)



Can't Leave
Jan 18, 2011
As long as your pipe blend is TOBACCO and not whacky-weed (or a derivative thereof), who cares if it's an aromatic or not?



Might Stick Around
Mar 1, 2016
I am a new pipe smoker having smoked ~10 bowls total. Before researching things here, I bought an aromatic sampler pack from P&C. I have only smoked a few bowls of two of the five blends I got in the sampler. Meh. I much prefer the few Englishes I have. For me I'm fixated on Frog Morton. It's sweeter than any aromatic I've had and I do like the taste of Latakia so it's a win-win in my book. The room note is also more "real" than the sweet smelling aromatics which is what I think of when I remember being around pipe smokers as a kid.
When I run out of Frog Morton, I'll likely return to the aromatics I have. I even bought a briar pipe to dedicate to them. Now that I have a better understanding of how to smoke a pipe, maybe I'll get more flavor and less bite out of them? I don't know. I see some Aros out there that really appeal to me. Brigadier Black just looks like all kinds of awesome because of their packaging. And H&H's Vermont Meat Candy is the tobacco version of one of my favorite food combinations of all time. Maple and bacon? I'm all over that next time I make a P&C order.
But smoke what you like, right? If you don't like it, you shouldn't "try" to like it. Unless you're like me and ended up with way too much of it and you don't want that money wasted.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 4, 2012
Someone once told me that they thought of VaPer guys as being like BMW motorcycle riders.
Aw, HELL NO! W(ho)TF came up with that?



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Good grief sjfine, don't tell me that us VaPer smokers hafta start being offended now? Ha ha!

Yeh, the wife and I have actually been looking at buying a couple of Vespas to ride the Blue Ridge on this summer. I'll have to remember to wear a kilt for my vajayjay and smoke some Mango Flake on the road. Ha ha!

Mar 1, 2014
Oh the irony.

Thread starts claiming there's a lot of negative bias against Aromatics.

Everyone denies it or calls it fun and games.

New thread starts asking for first smoking experiences.
Third post:

the VERY first pipe tobacco I smoked way back in 1987. He didn't like it, but remembered that I had told him I used to smoke it. So he gave it to me. I lit it up and. . . . YUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. I DID NOT LIKE IT. Oh well.
It was Borkum Riff Whiskey. :rofl:
Followed by:
I started with, as happenstance would have it, a Peterson Dracula: I've since been a Peterson fan. But the choice of tobacco was terrible: I smoked Captain Black Gold, unaware that this particular blend bites like a rabid rattlesnake. Indeed, before discovering this forum, I didn't even know certain tobaccos can bit you viciously.
Skandinavik Mixture. Bleh...
My 1st blend was Middleton's Cherry Blend. After 2 bowls I threw the pouch away and didn't come back to pipe smoking for 2 yrs.
I went to my one and only local tobacconist and got a Brigham cherry aromatic, Wild Cherry I think. I had no clue how to pack a pipe or pace myself and had a horrible time with it. The pipe got red hot, I got terrible tongue bite and it tasted like ass. I put the pipe away and threw out the tobacco.
avoided the whole drugstore-OTC-cheap-varnished-pipe-garbage-tobacco scene and went straight to the good stuff. No doubt why I kept up with the pipe. I did try a slew of OTC blends later, some were not unsmokable, but none I ever put into regular rotation.
picked up a cob, and an ounce of some blend the (idiot)worker suggested. I dont remember the name of the blend, but it was from a Stag tobacconist. I think it had rum in the name of it. Didn't take long for me to experience all of the smokeing "hate" that the new pipers speak of here due to it being an aromatic, and not knowing anything about technique.
Some sort of house blend from a local tobacconist shop called Peach Brandy. Hell itself could not have been hotter. Didn't try smoking again for a month. That's how long it took before the doctors removed the sling my tongue was in.
I could probably quote half the thread. Anyway, the most consistent theme that I can pick out is:

A. People generally have a bad time with their first bowl.

B. Lots of people love English blends
From what I can see it's actually right to recommend Aromatics to people starting out, because if your first bowl is Dunhill De Luxe Navy Rolls then you're still going to hate it just as much as you would have Borkum Riff, except it would be hopeless to try and smoke a bowl of Navy Rolls on your first try because trying to keep it lit is going to be hopeless.

The confusion between "OTC" and "Aromatic" just reinforces the concept. OTC's aren't all Aromatic but some people lump everything that doesn't come from an expensive tin in the same box. The connection here is that they're common starter blends.
Then after these biases have existed for half a lifetime, the Internet pops up and all these people with pre-established opinions start shouting in an echo chamber and all of a sudden VaPer flakes are the greatest thing and Aromatics are a hot mess.

No one has a good time with their first bowl and if you start with a decent concept of what pipesmoking is then Aromatics probably are still the right choice.
I had just as much a terrible time with Scottish Mixture, Five Brothers, and Irish Flake. Five Brothers! The most pure, dry, easy burning thing you can possibly buy.
Most of the negative comments about Aromatic tobacco are probably imagined and self taught.

If someone doesn't like Captain Black they have every right to express that, but to imply that it is universally terrible for everyone is slanderous. Not very many people actually go that far, the rest just seem to be jumping to conclusions.

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