Mia culpa - I prefer aromatics

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2016
Don't think less of me, having only smoked for a couple of weeks now and having tried testers of different tobacco's I noticed that I prefer aromatics mixed with virginia, now I have a fondness for OTC rum&maple mixed with a cherry blend I also noticed on these forums that aromatics are frowned upon, this leave me with the conclusion that for newbie's like myself who haven't a cultivated refined palette yet, starting with aromatics many of which is mild might be a good thing. Typically how long does it take for pipe smokers on average to move from aromatics or virginia's over to burleys and latakia's?



Jun 30, 2015
Weeks, years, never; some people are happy to smoke aromatics and that's fine. Many smoke both aromatics and non-aromatics. Number one rule: smoke what you like; to heck with what others think!



Jul 21, 2015
I also noticed on these forums that aromatics are frowned upon, this leave me with the conclusion that for newbie's like myself who haven't a cultivated refined palette yet, starting with aromatics many of which is mild might be a good thing.
Smoke what you like, like what you smoke.
Others may mention problems you have overlooked. Do not let it trouble you, but now, you know. Things to consider.
I smoked aromatics for five years and I am still alive. Good luck to you!



Apr 5, 2014
Almost everybody smokes an aromatic at least occasionally. Russ O. says that 95% of P&C's sales are aromatics, so you have millions of friends out there.



Mar 26, 2016
Urbana, IL
You're not alone. I too prefer aromatics. I even like a cheap brand of aromatics. Super Value Vanilla is my favorite and I know to some that is probably blasphemy among pipe smokers, but dude... you like what you like. Nothing wrong with aromatics.

Jan 8, 2013
Like others have already posted... smoke what you like and the heck with what other's think about it. I smoke what I'm in the mood for. Sometimes it's a balkan or english, sometimes a virginia, and sometimes an aromatic, etc. etc. Everyone has an opinion, but just because someone doesn't like aromatics, doesn't mean you shouldn't. Many aromatics are quite good, and of course, most those around you will likely appreciate you smoking an aromatic as opposed to something else. And as McTinner said, 95% of tobacco sales are aromatics. Therefore, most of those raising a fuss about them are in the minority.



There's no time frame for moving on from aromatics. Some people start with them and stick with them, while others may or may not ever smoke them. My preferences changed a lot when I first started smoking a pipe because I was trying so many different blends. I just tried different things and found within the first year of regularly smoking pipes (at least once or twice a day) that I did not like a lot of what I had first liked, including aromatics. So it took me a year or so before I figured out what I really liked, which still changes occasionally. There are also so many blends I haven't tried, which is comforting to me. I know that when I burn out on what I like there's always something new to try. I still have never tried Molto Dolce, but will one of these days.



Jul 21, 2015
Another way to view this: whatever most people like is probably wrong, but not all aromatics are the same. I'd check out C&D Autumn Evening for a high quality aromatic. Others have some favorites they may be induced to speak up about.



My favorite aromatics have been Pipeworks & Wilke's Rumcake and #191. I've also enjoyed BCAQ, which is Lane's 1Q mixed 1:1 with BCA. Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend is an aromatic that I smoke at least a couple times a week.

Mar 1, 2014
I'm two years in and I very, very much appreciate the characteristics of the average Aromatic.

Easy burning and easy packing, no fuss. Actually it's the sloppy wet Aromatics like 1-Q that tend to burn the best (and fresh from the tin too), sometimes too fast, but in my case putting my pipe down for a minute to cool off is way better than having to puff faster to keep a blend lit. Some blends don't burn well no matter how dry they are.
What Aromatics don't have is the ability to buy hundreds of tins and say that your tobacco investment is increasing in value. I think the smugness against Aromatics is in part financially motivated.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I also noticed on these forums that aromatics are frowned upon, this leave me with the conclusion that for newbie's like myself who haven't a cultivated refined palette yet, starting with aromatics many of which is mild might be a good thing. Typically how long does it take for pipe smokers on average to move from aromatics or virginia's over to burleys and latakia's.
I know you think you have seen people put down aromatic smokers but the reality is that almost everyone here smokes some type of aromatic in their rotation and even cellar and they do not put down people who smoke them. Please show me where someone has takes a shot an aromatic smokers so I can see if the person was just trying to be funny. We do have a lot of characters who like to bust balls on a regular basis myself included. If I see someone being rude to an aromatic smoker, I would talk to them using private messages not in the open forum. I know you might feel that being new makes it hard to tell me who you think is being rude, but I promise it is between me and you only and I would never break a confidence.
I know people think that starting with aromatics is somehow a rookie thing that will change quickly. It is not as some started with English blends(like myself). If you enjoy the blends you are smoking, then by all means keep smoking them and don't give a shit about what other people think. Yes your taste buds may change the longer you smoke a pipe, but that is not guaranteed. Keep trying different blends and different ways of smoking these blends. Try different pipes and ask questions about anything you feel like. Don't ever think a question you ask might be a stupid one, it is not and the only way you are going to learn is by keep on asking questions. You will need to read as much as you can, read about sizes of pipes, shapes of pipes, weight of pipes, anything you can think of as it is not a given thing that you will learn all this stuff on your own somehow.
Welcome to the site and I hope you have a good time.



Jun 3, 2015
Yea...Autumn Evening is Stellar. Another C&D Aro that's great is Golden Days of Yore.
Some folks around here dub Dunhills Royal Yacht an Aro. You might like that also.
Of course there are Lakelands. Yes! Love the Ennerdale, 1792 and The Grasmere. Bobs Chocolate flake is another great Lakeland,
Aromatics can be a great thing, especially if that's what you gravitate towards.



Feb 21, 2013
Aromatic smokers keep this activity in business, so puff proudly. I started with aromatics, and I still smoke them now and then. I would feel absurd thinking a certain version of pipe tobacco is inferior. Does it taste good? Then you're smoking the right stuff. Fini.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 2, 2016
Smoke what you enjoy, it's your experience. I would encourage you to continue to explore different tobaccos here and there though. It took me a while to find what I like, but it's a moving target for sure.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I don't smoke many aromatics but my favorite is Rattray's Bagpiper's Dream. I also like many "crossover" blends. So like the others say-smoke what you enjoy. It's all good here.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 3, 2015
fafnir, just follow your bliss. Experiment and explore, but I welcome your taste and share some joy in my occasional aro.



Oct 12, 2011
Just bought another pound of McClelland: VBC - Vanilla Black Cavendish. Why, because I like it. I smoke a lot of plugs, rope, flake, and high powered stuff, but still have when I'm in the mood for it an aro available....



Nov 18, 2013
The logic of saying that a real pipe smoker doesn't smoke aros is as inane as saying that a true wine afficionado never drinks a sweet port.
A true wine afficionado doesn't drink Boones Farm, and a real pipe smoker shuns goopy OTC crap tobacco. There are a handful of very nice aros out there.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
I'm into every genre of pipe tobacco out there. Smoke what you like and like what you smoke, enjoy the ride. I've been open about my distaste for Lakeland tobaccos on this forum, but wouldn't ya know it, I absolutely love them now. I'm smoking Ennerdale and Dark Flake scented and I'm absolutely in love with them. You may find that your tastes will be all over the place and there is nothing wrong with that. I enjoy variety and I usually have a Balkan, Va/Vaper, Burley and an aromatic everyday and I find that switching it up really brings out the nuances in other blends.
Some great aro's you might want to try:
Dan Tobacco Blue Note

Sillem's Black

G.L. Pease Virginia Cream
Note* I still don't like the Lakeland essence in my Full Virginia Flake for the record.

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