I was at Epcot last Friday with the fiancé, when we sat down and puffed away at our eCigs. I wouldn't dare bring one of my pipes to a theme park! All the sudden, I get this wonderful hint of a smell coming from behind me, instead of the usual stale scents from a 'smoking area'. I turn around, and see a older gentleman with a lady friend smoking a beautiful pipe. Almost subconsciously, I went for my pocket to dig up my Missouri Meerschaum I usually keep with me when I go out, only to remember it was sitting in the car with my tobacco, tamp and zippo. Well, didn't matter, I had to approach the guy and compliment him.
The man was very polite when I complimented him on his pipe, probably thinking I wasn't aware of pipe smoking outside of classic movies. After all, I'm 26, so not the usual sight for a pipe smoker. I asked him what he had in it, and he explained it was a Peterson blend. He made the effort to explain what kind of blend it was, that it came in a tin, and what it tasted like. Realizing I probably made the situation a tad awkward, I quickly said, "Oh, I smoke a ton of Samuel Gawaith's Squadron Leader!"
Instantly, he looked up with raised eyebrows and said, "Oh! Well, we're a dying breed, friend!"
Little instances like this make me happy I'm part of this group. People in the piping hobby are always courteous, genteel and agreeable when I meet them. I couldn't stay too long, since my fiancé was eager to get some lunch in us, but even that minute-long conversation stuck out for the rest of the trip.
I got to start going to pipe clubs. :puffpipe:
The man was very polite when I complimented him on his pipe, probably thinking I wasn't aware of pipe smoking outside of classic movies. After all, I'm 26, so not the usual sight for a pipe smoker. I asked him what he had in it, and he explained it was a Peterson blend. He made the effort to explain what kind of blend it was, that it came in a tin, and what it tasted like. Realizing I probably made the situation a tad awkward, I quickly said, "Oh, I smoke a ton of Samuel Gawaith's Squadron Leader!"
Instantly, he looked up with raised eyebrows and said, "Oh! Well, we're a dying breed, friend!"
Little instances like this make me happy I'm part of this group. People in the piping hobby are always courteous, genteel and agreeable when I meet them. I couldn't stay too long, since my fiancé was eager to get some lunch in us, but even that minute-long conversation stuck out for the rest of the trip.
I got to start going to pipe clubs. :puffpipe: