Right I think I have sorted out for everyone that has messaged me, some of you may not get everything as trying to be fair and split between everyone. So what I still have left:
Long thin banners that say " Handmade pipe tobacco. Handmade Rolling Tobacco. Chewing Twists. Snuff" [6 available] - they are about 280 cm long and 25 cm wide
Long thin banners that say "Established in Kendal during the mid 1800's Gawith Hoggarth manufacturer of the finest tobacco and snuff" [6 available] - they are about 280 cm long and 25 cm wide
Gawith posters (about 95 cm x 110 cm): Kendal Twist
Briar Pipes
Essential Cigars
Leather tobacco pouches
Kendal Loose Tobacco
American Blends
Turk (8)
All the above are green with white writing saying what I have put and there is one of each apart from the Turk.
A black and white poster of old snuff machinery, rather grainy.
An Auld Kendal Handrolling post
Peterson postsers:
Green Background - Petersons of Dublin, Charles Peterson, Crafting Luxury Ppes
Black and white close up of a pipe bowl
Same but in colour
Old machinery/blocks - black and white
2 x Stanwell Pipe Posters
Denicotea man smoking a pipe poster
Rattrays of Scotland (3 Noggins) poster
Henri Winterman's / Cafe Crem poster
Ciggi smokers accessories poster
Golden Blends pipe tobacco poster
K Two (lighter) poster
Clan/Balkan Riff poster
Lewis and Hardcastle Briar Pipes poster
Denicotea woman smoking cigarette poster
John Brumfit Great British Classics Poster
Anyone want one or more of these or adding to their current "order" let me know please.