I suppose the idea is to get a dryer smoke, but any pipe gimmick isn't going to fix bad technique. Drier tobacco lightly packed and smoked slowly in any well drilled pipe will give you what you're looking for.Hi everyone
What is the benefit in getting a meerschaum lined pipe?
Been told it burns better. Is this a gimmick or is this true?
I think meer-lined pipes are meant to be the best of both worlds, a fine briar with the smoking traits of a meer. If you buy one, and you like to smoke it, that's your answer. I like the traits of both materials enough to want both kinds but no hybrids.
I own two meer-lined briars. One a Grabow, the other an old Smokemaster.
Smoking characteristics are great. You’ll really taste only what is burning.
But, when cool and even thoroughly cleaned, putting a nose to the meer-lineds is always met with a sour smell that I never get from cleaned briars. Don’t know if that matters at all, but no matter how cleaned, my meers share that same smell.
I don’t own any meer pipes. I wonder if that’s normally the case with a meer?
Correct. You need to differentiate between meer lined (composite and block meer (what it says). Also, I've seen enough Kiko(tm) block-meer pipes to say that their block is 2 pieces... From what I have been able to determine the briar strummel is drilled out on a lathe and then a solid piece of meer insert (block or composite) is glued in and then the strummel is re-drilled to final dimension after which the airway in the shank is drilled. A lot of restorers have used plaster of paris to repair a broken or spalling meer liner. I have had good luck with a slurry of meer dust and egg white. My transition from briar to meer was via meer-lined pipes - now I smoke exclusively meers.Aren’t there two types of meer lining? Like one which is made up of composite and added to the sides of the chamber like putty, and one which is a whole piece dropped into the chamber with the draft hole being pre drilled through it?
I bought one from a reputable company. After smoking it a while the meershaum lining soon started to creep up out of the briar till it stuck out about a 1/16" or more from the briar. The company I bought it from couldn't believe so and said send them a picture and got them to take my pipe back.EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9)
Hi everyone
What is the benefit in getting a meerschaum lined pipe?
Been told it burns better. Is this a gimmick or is this true?
Once again, MSO nails it.
Pipe makers have been turning out meer lined bowls for close to a century and a half. You get the neutrality of a meer with the toughness of a briar exterior. Mine all smoke great.