1. Possibly just warning consumers before there is a sudden shortage. The honest option.
Well, I'd love to believe that, but my experience informs me differently. If I was going to quit the business, knowing what I know about many my fellow pipe smokers, I wouldn't say a word until the end. That would be out of consideration to my loyal customers, the people who buy my products on a regular basis. That may sound paradoxical, but it isn't. Because, the moment I say I'm done, the hoarders and speculators are going to land like a plague of locusts a snap up every shred they can grab while the grabbing is good. If I keep my mouth shut, my customers will have months to buy what they like and the stocks will gradually reduce before somebody sounds the alarm and the locusts swarm in.
Add to that, maybe I haven't made a firm decision about any of this. Maybe I'll retire for good, maybe I won't. Maybe I need a break for a while. The only thing I owe my clients is an honest effort to do my best on their behalf. Might be a public or premature announcement isn't that.
Besides, why is it anybody else's business what they decide to do with their lives?