This has probably come up, but for the life of me I cannot seem to find information about cellaring tins that have the pop top on them. More specifically McClelland 100g tins. Do I cellar them as is or should I put them in a jar to cellar?
I've never seen a compromised McClellands tin, even when they are pushing two decades old. They are the only manufacturer whose tins I trust to keep in the tin rather than transferring to a jar, if that's worth anything.
The thinner metal makes it more vulnerable to being poked open, but other than that I don't see why it would be any different to cellar than any other tin
Are saying their 50g and 100g cans have different tops? Cause my 3 McClelland 50g cans have what I thought were pop top tins, its got that pop can type tab that you bend forward and pull to peel back the top, is that not a pop top?
Both sizes are equally good, IMO, and I don't worry about the lid. Like I said, I've never seen one compromised in any way, while I've seen examples of every other type I'm familiar with fail.