Just throwing this out there: After quite a lot of taste testing and crazy amount of research, (I think I've gone off the deep end with this pipe smoking thing...) I have figured out my favorite blend taste (right now) is Esoterico Tobacciano's Margate. Obviously this is extremely hard to get ahold of and their production issues are very understandable in times like these. For me, I have come up with my own alternative. It is a blend of 75% Druquer and Sons Levant mixture, and 25% C&D's Izmir Turkish. Obviously it's not going to be exactly the same. But for me it's a pretty good standing.
If you like Margate and are looking for Margate, try this and let me know what you think.
If you like Margate and are looking for Margate, try this and let me know what you think.