I'm overwhelmed by the kind words and fabulous responses from you all. Please know that I'm truly humbled to be his father.
I simply don't have the vocabulary to express the pride I have in him.
Bill and Devil Dog, we're expecting our first call from him this weekend. It'll be a swell Father's Day gift and I couldn't think of a better one with Susie, brother Sam and me nattering away at him. Susie and Sam will fly out for his OCS graduation and I'll go out when he graduates from the Basic School.
Dhizzy, in spite of the pressure to go infantry Ben wants to be a red leg. Becoming a cannon-cocker has always fascinated him - in spite of being damned near fluent in Korean and requesting an Intel berth at Camp Mujuk - I think his Corps career will consist of floating around on an MRU (Is that right? Mobile Response Unit?) in the IO or South China Sea.
Again, guys, thank you for allowing me the "proud papa" post.
I simply don't have the vocabulary to express the pride I have in him.
Bill and Devil Dog, we're expecting our first call from him this weekend. It'll be a swell Father's Day gift and I couldn't think of a better one with Susie, brother Sam and me nattering away at him. Susie and Sam will fly out for his OCS graduation and I'll go out when he graduates from the Basic School.
Dhizzy, in spite of the pressure to go infantry Ben wants to be a red leg. Becoming a cannon-cocker has always fascinated him - in spite of being damned near fluent in Korean and requesting an Intel berth at Camp Mujuk - I think his Corps career will consist of floating around on an MRU (Is that right? Mobile Response Unit?) in the IO or South China Sea.
Again, guys, thank you for allowing me the "proud papa" post.