I have enjoyed everyone’s videos, thanks guys. Here is My short video.. sorry about moving the camera a lot. I may do another with a guitar or mandolin since I enjoyed newbrooms clip.. :clap:
And I forgot to mention I’m smoking MacBaron Scottish mixture which I opened a year ago and has been sitting in a jar, it’s pretty enjoyable.
Great video, bluegrasspipe! Cool garage, cool dog, cool pipe.. Anyone who plays music should put up a little something of themselves doing so. That would be fun. I can start and I'll take a request for a song. Any ideas?
PipesmokingTom: Play something you like, do what you do. BTW I like the garden, ours got buried in 6 inches of snow yesterday. As they say, winter is coming..
The world is getting smaller and smaller, my friend. If anyone here ever finds him or herself near Seattle, our home is open! Warm bed, home-cooked food, but please God don't bring tobacco.