pipesmokingtom, good catch on the smoke alarm! It's actually hard wired, and it's in that position due to its proximity to my 'smoking chair' and an accidental discharge.
As for the guitar, that's correct. I play the, er, mash out my noise and rhythm on the thing as a left handed player who never bothered with 'left handed' orientation.
Thanks, dave g, Matches860 is indeed a high compliment. I don't expect to challenge for supremacy any time soon.
I've actually listened to John (yep, even know his first name) give advice to video presenters, which I didn't follow in that short. Basically, what he suggests is to have an outline of your topics so you don't get lost in thought or ramble on with prattle.
I watch a few 'select' youtube pipe presenters and prefer those with humor, creativity, and when delivering information, succinct and concise content.
The old hands have lasted, I think, because they've presented pipe smoking in a relaxed and informational setting that is conducive to 'the experience'.