Haha well definitely newer by comparison! I've always been interested in smoking pipes, even from a young age (The Hobbit is the first book I can remember reading, and the 1987 animated movie really solidified the cool factor in my mind) and only last year did I finally get my first pipe, a Paykoc Rusticated Briarwood Churchwarden. Picked that one up at the Georgia Ren Fair from Danny Boy Pipes, and just yesterday grabbed a Mitchell Thomas Briarwood Churchwarden from them as a backup. I've been doing a lot of research on how to properly smoke and care for pipes, and am working on building a small collection for casual smoking. Sadly I'm somewhat back to square one, as the Paykoc turned out to have a bad crack and a hole in the shank which may not be reparable based on the research I've done, but I'd like to save it if I can, and learn much more about all types of pipes and tobaccos as well.