---- Behind the Scenes, The Finale ----
As you might expect, Buck Rogers escaped the clutches of Ming the Merciless... because he was actually Flash Gordon! (He just showed him his driver's license, and they let him go.)
Actually, I need to study up a bit on my vintage Saturday serial heroes. Got 'em mixed up. :lol:
The solution to the unequal shank and stem diameter cliffhanger was to turn loose a tiny herd of woodcarving nanobots on the shank, of course, like so:
Which looked like this after finishing:
Then, all that was left after leveling was was shine the stem, re-stain the rim as well as the end of the shank, and make an aluminum tube to replace the fiber one that had disintegrated (which is the material Alfred should have used in the first place, back in the day).
And that was it. Here is zee finished peep from several angles, with a final close-up of the nomenclature:
The current and enduring popularity of the "Bing" shape combined with the rare Vernon system connector and fully intact nomenclature makes this pipe something special, I think. Not just for zerohunter, but for the greater Pipeworld. Back when it was made pipes were common objects and they tended to be treated like shoes. Re-sole a time or two, then throw away and get another pair... if that. Many were thrown away just to keep up with fashion.
For this delicate specimen to have survived in restorable condition for 83 years and then end up in my hands is unlikely, to say the least. That it was bought for $9 adds its own bit of absurdity.
Speaking of all that, I decided that zerohunter won the Superfecta with this pipe. 1) He bought it for nine bucks; 2) I broke my "no more incoming until I clear my backlog" pledge; 3) I decided to clear the decks and jump on it straight away; and now #4... the work is a freebie.
So, ZH: If you decide to keep and smoke the pipe you will have something
VERY few young smokers ever see, never mind own; and if you decide to sell it, the pipe should be worth a fair bit on Ebay or similar. (I insist that the work performed on it be stated in the listing if you take that route, however. A link to this thread might even be in order.)
In any event, it's yours at no cost. It'll be headed back to you as soon as the purification process is finished (usually takes about three days). Keep, smoke, and enjoy; or sell and enjoy. Either way you'll have a good story. :mrgreen: