Regents Flake is good, too. Embarcadero and Regents are my go-to orientals. Chelsea Morning is pretty oriental-forward as well, along with Cairo, which I’ve only just discovered . I’m noticing a GLP far as English blends that are light on the Latakia, Presbyterian and Squadron Leader fit the bill.
I’ve been smoking a pipe for over a decade, and orientals are still kind of a mystery to me. They’re not full-bodied and in your face, and can change depending on the type used (most blenders use a blend of various types) and what else is present in the blend. They’re musty, spicy (not peppery like perique) and woody, complex but not dominating.
I’ve smoked straight oriental, and it’s good on its own, but it needs some backup to really pop out. A pinch of Latakia or Perique can really help define their flavors in a blend if used in a small enough quantity to not overpower them.