Bob's Chocolate Flake and Autumn Evening are the top 2 aro's I enjoy because they deliver on the tobacco flavor as well. My wife says autumn evening smells like charred waffles, but she says Bcf just smells like tobacco if room note matters at all.
I’d echo Bob’s Chocolate Flake. The flavoring is very light, I’m enjoying it more and more which was not what I’d guess from the first bowl. Burns slow with no moisture.Bob's Chocolate Flake and Autumn Evening are the top 2 aro's I enjoy because they deliver on the tobacco flavor as well. My wife says autumn evening smells like charred waffles, but she says Bcf just smells like tobacco if room note matters at all.
Clenched in my teeth right now is a Lee Three Star Grade small Pear loaded with Smoker's Pride Vanilla Cavendish, which if it's not the best selling bagged value brand aromatic for the last thirty years it's a contender.This is probably more of a collection of general musings at this point than a thread post proper. But here goes…
(Apologize in advance for the length.)
I started smoking a pipe in the late 90s, perhaps even 2000. Can’t recall precisely. Hit it for around 9-10 years. Switched to fine-ish cigars for about 3+ years just bc I got hooked on the flavors. Plus, I was in seminary and had a TON of reading to do. When you’ve got 10,000 pages to read every 16 weeks, it helps not having to stop and relight and tamp and fiddle every 10 minutes or so.
Then, sometime around 2012/13, I guess I just gradually quit smoking. I didn’t plan to. It just happened. I remember popping the lid on my humidor one day and realizing I had a box full of $20 sticks drying out. Ashton ESG. Loved those and the VSGs.
This past summer, the pipe started singing its siren song again. And, happily, I succumbed. (Interestingly, during my smoking hiatus, I never stopped considering myself a pipe smoker.)
But this time has been different. For many reasons. But I’ll stick to the topic at hand.
In my prior pipe life, I exclusively smoked aros. No cherries. Nothing fruity/floral. More chocolate, nutty, and black cavendish-infused blends from two local tobacconists in Lexington, KY: Schwab’s Pipes N’ Stuff, and Strauss Tobacconist. My go to blends were two from Schwab’s; Ideal and Ebonknight. And I still enjoy Ideal on rare occasion. Call them up and order some! Today, I’m generally turned off by chocolatey tobacco.
And I never even gave a second thought to what tobaccos were in those blends. I just lifted the lid off the jar, took a whiff, and bought accordingly. I was a noob, and back then had no interest in tins.
Since I’ve taken it back up, I’ve been smoking various Englishes more than anything, and dabbling in some Va and VaPers. My enthusiasm for English is waning. I go through phases.
But lately, I’m navigating toward a select few aromatics. But nothing goopy or overly sweet. Well, except for the tin of Cult Blood Red Moon dad bought me for Christmas.
This kind of brings me to the point of this thread.
The aros I’m enjoying these days, even when they have a stronger tin note of flavoring, tend to hit the palate in a way where, surprisingly, only a hint of that flavor is detected. I find I can actually taste the tobaccos quite well. Which I actually like and prefer. I’m not looking for aros where flavoring overpowers the leaf. Just the opposite, in fact
But I swear I recall being bowled over by the casings and toppings when I initially took up the gentle art.
Even the Cult cherry, while goopy and with a VERY strong tin note, smoked remarkably more tobacco-forward than I expected.
As I type, I’m smoking MacBaren’s Vanilla Cream. Same experience. If somebody handed me a blind bowl of this and asked me to label it, my first thought would not be, “Oh, clearly an aromatic.”
Btw… the aros that I’m smoking lately are 3: MacBaren’s Vanilla Cream, Cult Blood Red Moon, and Bosun Cut Plug. And despite their tin notes, they’re all more tobacco-tasting than I anticipated. And this makes me rather happy. These days, I’m a bigger fan of “tobacco sweet” than I am of “sugar sweet.” I want to taste the tobaccos.
Appreciate any thoughts on this topic. And certainly any suggestions for quality aros that fit the description.
I second this! TCS has to have the best tasting aromatics in my (limited) experience. I haven't had more than a bowl of Rivendell so I can't give a proper overview, but Old Toby has been growing on me every time I smoke it. Really a wonderful smoke. Also, their "Hunter's Creek" is arguably my favorite tobacco. Wonderful English/Aro.I would say to give The County Squire aros a whirl. They have a Middle Earth themed series with some non-aros in there but check out Rivendell, Old Toby, and Second Breakfast. Definitely not your typical goopy mess!
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Sounds an awful lot like a rebranding of C&D Nutty Irishman.In all my pipe smoking career, I have never liked aromatics. Not that I have tried many, because I have never liked the few ones I tried. Let's say that I had given up on trying them. Same as Latakia.
And now that for the first time, for the very first and only time that I am enjoying an aromatic, it is the one blend that is actually not even available?!
Yep. I am talking about C&D St. Patrick's Day 2022 Reserve. I have been smoking one bowl every morning while going to work since I received the only tin I have. and I actually like it a lot.
Interesting. You are actually the second person today who mentions Nutty Irishman to me, as a possible alternative to SPD. I should try it, maybe Gentleman Caller as well.Sounds an awful lot like a rebranding of C&D Nutty Irishman.
I love deertongue blends!Gentleman Caller
if you like that there are going to probably be other aromatics you'll like. I don't know if they've gotten better in recent years or I just have gotten better at finding good ones.In all my pipe smoking career, I have never liked aromatics. Not that I have tried many, because I have never liked the few ones I tried. Let's say that I had given up on trying them. Same as Latakia.
And now that for the first time, for the very first and only time that I am enjoying an aromatic, it is the one blend that is actually not even available?!
Yep. I am talking about C&D St. Patrick's Day 2022 Reserve. I have been smoking one bowl every morning while going to work since I received the only tin I have. and I actually like it a lot.
I'm still undecided on Black XX. Sometimes it's an enjoyable smoke for me, other times I can barely make it past a few puffs. Not sure if this is due to my drink choice or food choice prior, or what it's due to. Definitely a unique tobacco.Most I've read here despise it and I've heard some say that it left their pipes smelling like an electrical fire. All I get from it is well done beef. Even have a pipe dedicated to it.
I chew it too.I'm still undecided on Black XX. Sometimes it's an enjoyable smoke for me, other times I can barely make it past a few puffs. Not sure if this is due to my drink choice or food choice prior, or what it's due to. Definitely a unique tobacco.
+1 for ? flake. A rather spendy aromatic, but really good. It’s a classic Danish approach to aromatics. I haven’t tried the others in this. But I do like MB Scottish Mixture, which I think hardly counts as an aromatic. Someone described it as having that classic MB “house flavor”: toast with butter and honey!I enjoy these…
John Aylesbury’s ? Flake
MacBaren Vanilla Roll Cake
Esoterica Ramsgate
Rattray’s Exotic ?
SG 1792 Flake
G&H Dark Plug/Flake Scented
I’m sure there are others, but I’m a bit ?right now.
Now that's interesting. I'm a fan of chew and have often wondered how these ropes and plugs would suffice for a chew.I chew it too.
Good to know. I've got a tin of this aging in my cellar, very tempted to crack it now. MacB has always come through for me.But I do like MB Scottish Mixture, which I think hardly counts as an aromatic. Someone described it as having that classic MB “house flavor”: toast with butter and honey!
Gawith ropes are perfect for it! ?Now that's interesting. I'm a fan of chew and have often wondered how these ropes and plugs would suffice for a chew.
I'll be trying this tonight. NiceGawith ropes are perfect for it! ?
Surprised @condorlover1 hasn't chimed in on this one, I believe he does the same.I'll be trying this tonight. Nice