It should come as no surprise that having a sweet tooth can correlate with enjoyment of aromatics. For myself, that was 100% the case. But at the same time, as I tried blend after blend in that category, eventually expanding to other genres, I noticed that the majority of my sub-par experiences inexplicably involved aromatic blends. C&D Autumn Evening tasted like bus exhaust, CAO Eileen's Dream left a really unpleasant aftertaste (and smell), and the entire P&C "Out Of Office" series was a one-way ticket to PG-ville, to the Nth degree. That's just a quick example, but there are at least a half-dozen others I can think of off the top of my head, all of them aros (with the notable exception of Sutliff 515 RC-1, which almost made me quit pipes altogether). So even with my sweet tooth factored in, I found it necessary to hold to the mellow blends and avoid the really heavily saturated ones. You mentioned MacBaren Vanilla Cream--that's quite nice. Another of theirs of a similar ilk I like is Original Choice.
I can't emphasize enough, however, the utter importance of giving adequate drying time to your blends. Nowhere is this more evident than in the aromatic genre. Even just a few extra minutes can make a detectable difference, and what's more frustrating than trying to keep a bowl lit and having it go out over and over again? For example, the first time I tried Ashton Winding Road, I spread out a bowl's worth on a paper towel and gave it 15 or 20 minutes. I was on the right track, but the next time, I gave it closer to 45 minutes. Smoked much better, cooler, and drier. CAO Moontrance needed over an hour, but same story other than that. My general rule for aromatics is, if they're still spongy, leave it a little bit longer. It's tempting to just say the hell with it, load up and get to it, I know! Resist the urge--your pipe and tongue will both thank you. Errr...figuratively speaking. ?