Let’s Talk Aromatics

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Part of the Furniture Now
This is probably more of a collection of general musings at this point than a thread post proper. But here goes…

(Apologize in advance for the length.)

I started smoking a pipe in the late 90s, perhaps even 2000. Can’t recall precisely. Hit it for around 9-10 years. Switched to fine-ish cigars for about 3+ years just bc I got hooked on the flavors. Plus, I was in seminary and had a TON of reading to do. When you’ve got 10,000 pages to read every 16 weeks, it helps not having to stop and relight and tamp and fiddle every 10 minutes or so.

Then, sometime around 2012/13, I guess I just gradually quit smoking. I didn’t plan to. It just happened. I remember popping the lid on my humidor one day and realizing I had a box full of $20 sticks drying out. Ashton ESG. Loved those and the VSGs.

This past summer, the pipe started singing its siren song again. And, happily, I succumbed. (Interestingly, during my smoking hiatus, I never stopped considering myself a pipe smoker.)

But this time has been different. For many reasons. But I’ll stick to the topic at hand.

In my prior pipe life, I exclusively smoked aros. No cherries. Nothing fruity/floral. More chocolate, nutty, and black cavendish-infused blends from two local tobacconists in Lexington, KY: Schwab’s Pipes N’ Stuff, and Strauss Tobacconist. My go to blends were two from Schwab’s; Ideal and Ebonknight. And I still enjoy Ideal on rare occasion. Call them up and order some! Today, I’m generally turned off by chocolatey tobacco.

And I never even gave a second thought to what tobaccos were in those blends. I just lifted the lid off the jar, took a whiff, and bought accordingly. I was a noob, and back then had no interest in tins.

Since I’ve taken it back up, I’ve been smoking various Englishes more than anything, and dabbling in some Va and VaPers. My enthusiasm for English is waning. I go through phases.

But lately, I’m navigating toward a select few aromatics. But nothing goopy or overly sweet. Well, except for the tin of Cult Blood Red Moon dad bought me for Christmas.

This kind of brings me to the point of this thread.

The aros I’m enjoying these days, even when they have a stronger tin note of flavoring, tend to hit the palate in a way where, surprisingly, only a hint of that flavor is detected. I find I can actually taste the tobaccos quite well. Which I actually like and prefer. I’m not looking for aros where flavoring overpowers the leaf. Just the opposite, in fact

But I swear I recall being bowled over by the casings and toppings when I initially took up the gentle art.

Even the Cult cherry, while goopy and with a VERY strong tin note, smoked remarkably more tobacco-forward than I expected.

As I type, I’m smoking MacBaren’s Vanilla Cream. Same experience. If somebody handed me a blind bowl of this and asked me to label it, my first thought would not be, “Oh, clearly an aromatic.”

Btw… the aros that I’m smoking lately are 3: MacBaren’s Vanilla Cream, Cult Blood Red Moon, and Bosun Cut Plug. And despite their tin notes, they’re all more tobacco-tasting than I anticipated. And this makes me rather happy. These days, I’m a bigger fan of “tobacco sweet” than I am of “sugar sweet.” I want to taste the tobaccos.

Appreciate any thoughts on this topic. And certainly any suggestions for quality aros that fit the description.


Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
I don't smoke too many aromatics, but I like to smoke a wide variety of types to keep my taste buds receptive. Some aromatics you might like are Sutliff's Molto Dolce (a nice vanilla, caramel taste) or Barbados Plantation with a nice rum undertone. If you like inexpensive tobacco Virginia Gold Vanilla is quite good. I don't like my aromatics to be gushing with topping. Just a slight flavor to enhance the tobacco. I smoke mostly MATCH blends and "Codger " blends. Sutliff has a wide variety of aromatics (Some good and some not so good-but you have decide which). Good luck.


Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 5, 2020
Bay Area, California
My favorite Aro flavorings are the various Lakelands, any Nut-based flavoring, Tonquin, and Vanilla. They're slowly creeping into my rotation, but will never rival Va or VaPers for me.

When their gone I'll see what prices are like, but I have no current intentions on restocking. I'm fortunate to have a knack for diy growing/and "too much tobacco."


Dec 30, 2018
The blends you mentioned all have good tobacco as their base. Many aros are a goopy syrupy mess, but not all of them.

I personally love the Lakelands because of the tobacco as much as the sauce.

A couple of other ideas are SWR aromatic and Super Value Peach. I enjoy the underlying tobacco in those blends. Sillems and Vauen also have some nice ones but are hard for me to find so I don’t regularly smoke them.

Personally I think there are many good aros out there where the tobacco shines through, I just don’t smoke many of them very often. And I tend to avoid the seriously sweet or syrupy ones like the plague so I’m sure there are many enjoyable blends I’m missing out on because of the nasty ones.

Meh, all part of the journey. Enjoy the trip.


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
I love the flavor of good, nutty burley. But burley needs something. Whether its the addition of some Va or by way of it’s casing. — Something alongside to allow it to shine.

The closest I’ve come to enjoying an aromatic is University Flake. But it’s only a once in a while for me. The berry (plum) comes on strongly but gives way to the tobacco.


Feb 21, 2013
I smoke mostly non-aromatics, but enjoy aromatics as a change of pace. I like rum, whiskey, liqueurs, and vanilla as flavorings, as long as they harmonize and highlight the tobacco itself. I'm not big on food flavored aromatics like cherry and chocolate. For chocolate, I need the real item. Anisette and molasses are okay if subtle. Molte Dolce is a little too moist and sweet for me; I can't taste much tobacco. People's taste in blends is personal. There's no arguing with what someone enjoys. I like the plum (or whatever it is) in Royal Yacht, conceding that others find the whole blend repulsive.

Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
C&D Belmont Station
Dan Tobacco Devil's Holiday
Rattray's Exotic Orange
Newminster Blackberry Brandy
Lane Black Raspberry
KBV Sakura
D&R London Dock
Angler's Dream
C&D Chocolate Cavendish
C&D Autumn Evening
C&D Visions of Celephäis
C&D We Three Kings
C&D Golden Days of Yore
Warped Scarecrow
Rich Dark Honeydew
Deep Hollow
Sutliff Mocha Strips
Sutliff North Pole Peppermint Mocha
Sutliff Match Flying Dutchman
Kendal Gold Banana
Captain Black Grape

Peter Turbo

Oct 18, 2021
when i smoke aros' its to taste the flavor of the topping and not the tobacco flavor. i dont mind if they mix and mingle, work together but im not upset if i dont taste the tobacco at all. to me thats not the point of the aromatic smoke, aside from the room note.

what gets me are the people who are like, "i get all the topping and no tobacco flavour" and im like, isnt that the point?

if you want to taste tobacco then smoke non flavored, "natural" tobacco
if you want to taste something different then smoke an aro
i enjoy both, very much.

some of my favorite aros right now: the country squire rivendell, solani red


Part of the Furniture Now
when i smoke aros' its to taste the flavor of the topping and not the tobacco flavor. i dont mind if they mix and mingle, work together but im not upset if i dont taste the tobacco at all. to me thats not the point of the aromatic smoke, aside from the room note.

what gets me are the people who are like, "i get all the topping and no tobacco flavour" and im like, isnt that the point?

if you want to taste tobacco then smoke non flavored, "natural" tobacco
if you want to taste something different then smoke an aro
i enjoy both, very much.

some of my favorite aros right now: the country squire rivendell, solani red
I’ve not tried the Rivendell, but I love Country Squire Old Toby. Just a VaPer with a sugar casing I guess. But dang it’s good.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Most aromatics I've smoked I haven't liked much. A few have been good though. The ones I keep buying are Mac Baren's Mixture Scottish Blend and Amphora Full Aroma.
And, if these are considered aromatics, St Bruno, 1792 Flake, Royal Yacht.
All of the above taste like tobacco with a little of something nice added.
That description sounds spot on to what I’m looking for in aros these days.


Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
That description sounds spot on to what I’m looking for in aros these days.
Then I'll elaborate. The Mac Baren Mixture is a mixture of a lot of different tobaccos, 50 or so, I don't remember, that have been toasted with honey or something to make a very complex blend, so complex actually that you might not sense it. Slightly honey sweet with some sour notes and a million other nuances.
Amphora is a burley blend with the sour bread notes of burley and some added berries and chocolate. If you dry out the tobacco, the berries and chocolate will merge into a pleasant sweetness that compliments the burleys.
That's enough, the rest are legendary and shouldn't need description.


Part of the Furniture Now
I smoke mostly aromatics. I prefer most of the cliche blends that have vanilla, cherry, and some chocolate flavors. I guess I have a sweet tooth ?
Smoke what you like, like what you smoke! I go through phases with absolutely everything. But when I’m in a phase, I tend to have tunnel vision on it. Unlike my dad. He won’t touch an English blend. He hardly ever smokes anything besides black cavendish.