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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 22, 2024
Sussex, England
Well it's been an odd month....

I came to the realisation that a) I don't get on with briar pipes, b) Falcon pipes are my thing, c) less is very definitely more.

I've sold my briars. I've drastically thinned out even my Falcon collection to just six smoking pipes and a couple of collectable ones in a display cabinet with other assorted paraphernalia.

And I'm smoking down my tobaccos as well. I read an article somewhere where a guy referred back to his grandad who had just two pipes, smoked only to brands and bought something different for his annual holiday and Christmas. I liked that, it struck a chord and it's ultimately where I'm headed.

I reckon one 'dark' blend like Three Nuns or Condor, one 'light' blend like Gold Block or Erinmore, an English like Commoy's or Squadron Leader and then something special for high days and holidays.

Since reducing my pipes I feel a lot better as there's far less choice when I come to smoke. I'm hoping the tobacco reduction has the same effect.

I love that we have so much choice in the modern world but it also creates fatigue and a kind of mania for trying everything, that think sometimes it's good to step back into a simpler time.


Can't Leave
Mar 23, 2024
Richmond, KY
"He who dies with the most toys is still dead." I wish I could adopt that philosophy. I do hate clutter though and regularly throw things away that I wish I still had a couple years later. Never need it for 20 years till it's finally got a new home. Then it's guaranteed that something will pop up.... anyway, I thought about sending my Vauen LOTR churchwarden in to smoking pipes as an estate. My peterson isn't worth enough for them to mess with.


Feb 2, 2022
I understand where you are coming from but I’m a hopeless tobacco addict that bounces around from blend to blend and I pretty much like everything I try. As for pipes I love to get new ones and chase down ones I think look nice. I will say I love my falcon pipe and could easily just smoke falcons.

Servant King

Geriatric Millennial
Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
I'm one of those weirdos who has TAD but not PAD. In fact, I would go as far as to say that the thought of having more than a dozen pipes legitimately gives me anxiety. And even that is a very generous number--I'd probably be fine with half that, each dedicated to a different blend group, and involuntarily feel the need to cull the herd if I got into double digits. About half of the dozen I currently possess were given to me as gifts, and I'd be hard pressed to get rid of them. Which is probably a significant factor in keeping PAD at bay.

Tobacco? That's an entirely different story. Perhaps it's because I bought a ready-made cellar from someone back in the early days, and since then I've just been adding and subtracting blends on the fly (mostly the former), as I began to suss out what things I loved, what things I abhorred, and everything in between. More is better when it comes to blends; I just love the variety too much to be confined to even a handful of blends. In jars alone, I currently have about 30, with a fair mix of Virginias, VaPers, VaBurs, aromatics, and Englishes. Basically everything but Lakelands and burley-heavy blends. Another element here is that I'm hedging--tobacco will never be cheaper or more readily available than it is at this precise moment, and we all know this to be true. So in a few years' time, I've built a respectable cellar in the neighborhood of two dozen pounds, and I'm basically set for life, even if I tripled my current usage.

One final thought: I can't help but think that many of the constituents of pipe smoking lore who smoked only one or two blends would have expanded their menu if they were around in the present time. I can't imagine C.S. Lewis not filling his SP cart with some Mac Baren bulk on sale for 15% off just to hit that free shipping threshold. And maybe snagging a couple tins of Davidoff Flake Medallions because holy shit it's back in stock again, better hit it quick! And some pipe cleaners. And that bitchin SMS estate meer with the carved C.S. Lewis face. You know, just to be ironic. And a pouch of Captain Black Platinum, just because hey, it's just VAs and burleys with no cavendish, might be interesting. Whoops, C.S. Lewis just overdrew his bank account. Better cash out that Bitcoin while you can! 🤑


Nov 14, 2020
Not long, few years on and off

I just wanted to make sure before I went on about some things, you might of known already.

Simplicity in smoking is a great thing, but I wouldn’t confuse simplicity with having choices. Smoking for only a few years is barely scratching the surface.

Have you heard of Dr. Fred Hanna?

The Myth of Brand and Maker in Pipesmoking

This is also a good article, a lot of people have a misunderstanding of what an Aromatic is.

It’s true price doesn’t always equate to a better smoking pipe, but there are also higher priced higher quality pipes that are better. But at times a higher quality pipe can also turn out bad. So, it takes time and experience digging around. So you might think, why do I want to bother with all this, I guess you’d look at it like Hobby Exploration, just something you like doing, checking out different pipes.

Everyone’s tastes are going to be different, and just like tobacco, it takes time to develop the taste buds to sense and appreciate the complexities, especially if someone wants to smoke and enjoy good complex blends.

There are certainly pipe smokers who gravitate towards certain pipe materials, and only smoke these, but, I would never suggest doing this, especially for someone that wants to smoke complex blends, and really experience the world of pipes, until they’ve smoked a lot of different pipe materials, with a lot of different blends for quite a number of years.

If anyone thinks they have it all figured out after a few years, I’d say, just wait, and guess again. Even the most veteran of pipe smoker, will occasionally run into peculiarities from time to time. One of the simplest reasons here is that, tobacco blends can vary from year after year, the crops will change, methods and materials will change, and then it causes you to rethink that blend, and how to go about it.

I can tell you, for me personally, my higher priced pipe, with briar aged over 20 years has been the absolute most amazing pipe I’ve ever smoked. It opens the tobacco up to much greater depth and complexity.

I do have an older meerschaum, but maybe one day I will try a more expensive Altinay.

Even after all these years, I’ve not jumped yet into the higher end meerschaums to see what they might bring, or at least some decent ranged ones.

Someone could smoke briar with only a few years age on it, and it’s a nice pipe, but if the smoker hasn’t developed their taste buds, or doesn’t smoke complex blends, then they’ll really never know, and it could simply taste good to them, for lack of experience.

Tobacco complexity is where aged briar shines. Now it doesn’t have to be an expensive pipe, simply an inexpensive estate pipe with decades on it could be nice.

For me personally, I’ve never smoked a briar pipe that only had a few years of age on it, that was as good as one with a lot of age. But someone could always luck out…

Is pipe smoking really difficult, no, it’s just something you might have to do a long time, to start developing the taste buds, obviously some people‘s taste will be better defined than others quicker. We’re not all born connoisseur wine tasters, it takes time.

I would never put anyone down for whatever they wanted to smoke out of, and whatever blend they liked, I would just make sure to steer them down the right road, which is, you need to try a lot of things in various ways for many years.

Oh, and besides the materials, specs really change things up. Bowl Height, Chamber Depth, Chamber Diameter, Outside Diameter.

I wouldn’t discount briar at all, it’s one of the great smoking materials. I can only assume, the ones you bought, the briar wasn’t that good is all.

Just remember, just like life, it changes, we change, and our mouth and personal tastes changes. So what you are smoking, doing now, you might not be doing down the road.

So unless you like eating chicken every day, then you will probably find years down the road, many more amazing tobacco blends, and eventually you’ll find amazing briar pipes too.

To be honest, anyone who loves pipe smoking, with their gained experience, learns to appreciate smoking from briar, corncob, clay and meerschaum, and we might even throw some of the more unusual in there, like Olive and Strawberry wood too, because they all offer something different. Even Corncob that some might flip their nose at, but, because how corn is more porous, not the density of briar, that breathability lends to a different smoking experience.

Give yourself time, a few years isn’t enough to start discounting any of it, and sure, you might dislike something at this moment, but you might also find, you’ll come back to that what you once didn’t like, you like now.

Tastes change all the time, and until you’ve smoked a lot of pipes and different blends, over the years developing the tastebuds, you’re not going to really know, unless you’re happy eating chicken all the time. LOL 😆

Like I always say; I don’t eat chicken everyday! LOL 😝

Now none of what I’ve been saying here, has anything to do with owning hundred of pipes and hundreds of blends. I’m only saying, unless your tastes are very simple, and possibly one dimensional, then owe it to yourself to sample a lot. Then, in time, you own only a few pipes, and maybe a few blends. Blends are a different story, with so much out there to try, I don’t think we’ll ever be able to try everything out there In our lifetime.

Yes I love simplicity, and I’m not a hoarder, or collector, but I’ve gone through a lot of pipes and tobacco. At present I have 3 pipes with a 4th on the way, and around 15 blends. I’ll only ever own a few pipes, but I’m always trying different tobacco blends, because there so many amazing blends out there.

Aloha & Enjoy! 🤙 ❤️
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Nov 26, 2018
Sure, I have preferred shapes. But they are oh so different from each other. Sure, they are all Peterson, but do you know how many shapes they have? After 40 or pipes I stopped. Buying all the different finishes and different subgroup became redundant.

Tobacco. Now that's tricky. They keep coming out with new blends. But after figuring I have more than I'll smoke before dying, I stopped.

Barry H

Aug 28, 2024
Oldham, England
I think you find this in most hobbies, enthusiasms or obsessions. Watches, fishing rods, outdoor gear, women (!) etc, etc. Some guys like to stick to one brand, some find no fun in that at all. Much depends on temperament and how much cash on the hip you have.

I'm not a collector and don't care for having too much 'stuff'. Choice paralysis is a definite negative. There's a good video on YT about a guy (Barry Schwarz?) needing a new pair of jeans like his old ones and being confronted by the seemingly limitless variety on offer.

I'm sure most pipe smokers have just one pipe and stick to one blend - and nothing wrong with that.

I have seven pipes including a Falcon which I love but for different reasons. Also two full bent, two half bent and two straight but I didn't plan it that way. Each one is unque and a pleasure to use. The loss of any one would be like losing a friend. Any more and I'd be unbalanced!