Legislation Filed 02-10-2017 - Increase Tax On Pipe Tobacco to $24

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 25, 2016
Here in the UK we pay around £13 ($16.25) for a 50g tin and £115 ($145) for 500g bulk. Obviously there's fluctuations for blend and retailer. The excise duty on pipe tobacco is £107.71/kg ($61/lb). Guess why I don't have a "cellar" :roll:
If your tax is heading for $24/lb, you're still only at 40% of what we pay. Australia and Canada are WAY higher than we are. I think they pay roughly double what we do in the UK. Maybe a little more.
Even if you ended up paying $24/tin, you'd still have it better than folks in Oz and Canada. Those of you that have extensive cellars, spare a thought for all of us who have been paying high taxation for decades.



Oct 10, 2013
I heard that someone, somewhere, said something to someone about something and now it's all going to end tomorrow, or maybe not. Honest.



Dec 24, 2016
In Canada I've paid as much as $42.00 a tin plus 13% tax in Ontario. A tin of quality tobacco costs about the same as the OTC stuff. When I am in the U.S. I can buy SG FVF for about $10 a tin and I can buy PA for a 3d of that.So if they tax tobacco in the U.S. like in Canada I would only buy quality stuff. Then Good by PA, IQ and half and half.



Dec 24, 2016
I also want to mention that in the past for fun I've grown my own tobacco and although it's not as good as PA I would smoke that before I get suckered into paying a crazy price. Beat the system,so to speak.



Mar 25, 2016
hey guys, in no way is it my intent to spread rumors (that's why my original post asked if anyone else had heard of this), and I certainly don't mean to be disrespectful to anyone here, or troll, or initiate trouble. My goal here in this forum is to learn the pipe as an enjoyable alternative to cigars.
downinit, that could be the case, sounds more probable, make more sense (if there is any sense in the legislation). As I said, idk the details of the legislation, when I heard him say a $24 tax my brain went ape-shit-crazy!

I don't think you meant any harm. This is how rumors start, though. I thought I'd make a little search engine check on this "Legislation Filed," with different combinations of wording and omissions ... guess what? I got a hit! This site. This thread. It's in the search soup now.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 23, 2015
I'm quite sure that the $24 tax will be per pound NOT per tin. Rolling tobacco has approximately $24 per pound federal tax. This tax level would equate to $1.50 per ounce or about $2.66 a tin.
This was my thought as well. If, that is, a $24 tax is really in the making and not just a rumor, it would almost surely be "per pound".
There has been a $24 tax per pound on RYO tobacco since April, 2009. If they were trying to "close the loophole" of selling RYO as "pipe tobacco" then matching the pipe tobacco tax to the RYO tax seems like the move they would go for.
And then later ... they raise he taxes even more :lol:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 19, 2017
woodsroad, I may be a newbie to pipes, but don't be jerk
tinsel, I think your link is on target, and probably very close to the details of what the filed legislation is going after.



May 9, 2015
Estey's Bridge N.B Canada
India is moving towards GST. I think US should do it too. One single tax on goods (serivce maybe as well? idk yet).
We have it in Canada and we still have ridiculous taxes on tobacco, alcohol and gasoline. It may also be different from province to province.



Jun 3, 2015
Thought some of you would end up weighing in.
atjurhs, a lot of anti lobbyist, anti business, and anti free market hiding in the shadows around here. (This, by the way, has nothing to do with Pipemagazine, it's just a forum and different folks with different strokes play here.) I would've kept the info to myself, instead of stepping out in the forum about it. The 1st Column (Board of Trustees of Pipemagazine) allow tax and FDA discussion, as long as we don't discuss certain Forum Member's sex change operations in a tax discussion we'll be ok. Unless the 1st column decides to squash it from the get go. But the lack of proof and pictures (might I add) really looks like rumor to the uninitiated.

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