When I was much younger my dad, who liked to sail, belonged to a club where for a fixed annual membership fee you could reserve and use any one of the club’s many boats. You see where I’m headed…
Say a club is established to own and circulate pipes between its members, rather like an old-fashioned lending library. Some number of guys put in $x each annually plus an initiation fee. In exchange each is allowed to borrow any of the club’s pipes for up to y weeks. They have to return that pipe to get another. Any damage or loss is covered by the initiation fee (which could alternatively be structured as a refundable deposit) plus of course insurance for pipes in transit.
Depending on the target market the fee could be quite high and the pipes all worth many thousands each, or something much lower and the collection more moderate; different clubs could offer specialized collections to address any of a dozen niches (by artisan, shape, era, etc).
Of course the hygiene issue would be addressed by a full time staff dedicated to thorough cleaning and repairs between loans. Plus now that I think of it you'd need clubhouses; nothing too extravagant, just a ski chalet in the Rockies, something on a private island in the Caribbean, a brownstone on the UES, and maybe a Gulfstream to facilitate club events.