Last 1/4 bowl not burning???

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Feb 16, 2017
Okay good people of this forum, newbie using a MM cob and aromatic baccy, wondering what I'm doing wrong besides likely everything at this point:)

I notice that while I'm getting better at packing and being able to basically keep the bowl lit for the top 3/4, the last bit of tobacco doesn't stay lit and I end up dumping out unburnt tobacco when emptying the pipe.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to face the east while reciting the Lord's Prayer in latin or are my socks and underwear supposed to match to get that last little bit of goodness in every bowl?

What might you suggest?

As always, my greatest appreciation for your input.

Humble knave


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Think of the bottom layer like a filter. Burning to the bottom of the bowl doesn't always happen.



Feb 13, 2015
It's been my experience that when the last quarter or so doesn't want to burn, it will taste pretty crappy and bitter when you force it to burn. There's a fair amount of debate on drying tobacco or not that you can read up on, to see if you think that may help. I tend to smoke faster than I should, which leads to the same issue; when that happens, I call it a loss and dump that last bit of tobacco. (There's no award for sucking fine white ash into your mouth at the end of a smoke, anyway.)



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
At the risk of repetition, unsmokability towards the bottom is usually the result of the tobacco being not dry enough to start with. As you smoke, some moisture is drawn down through the unburnt tobacco, and if it's dry to start with, the amount isn't so much as to impede smoking further. But if moist at the top and throughout, the added moisture will overwhelm the ability of the heat to drive enough water out of the tobacco in the bottom to make it combust.
And, as aldecaker says, if it doesn't want to burn, it'll taste bad when you force it.



Jun 30, 2015
If you enjoy the way the first 3/4 of the bowl smokes and have to dump the last bit I wouldn't worry about it. You're dumping 5-10 cents worth of tobacco. Sort of like trying to not having relights; sometimes it seems people get too hung up about smoking every last bit of tobacco. If you are enjoying what you're doing why change?



Dec 14, 2015
Dry and TAMP, MAN, TAMP! I don't think I'm all that skilled. but the vast majority of the time, I smoke all the way down to the bottom. Sometimes there is a wee bit left, but not often. The only exception to this is with a brand new pipe. Sometimes I gotta' break it in a bit first, but eventually, they all seem to burn it up just fine. The very few Aros I smoke are very light Aros. Mostly Virginia and Burley. Maybe that has something to do with it. Also, when tamping, I use a round tamper and twist it as I tamp. This insures that the coals go all the way to the outside of the bowl and seems to keep everything burning. Hope this helps.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 23, 2015
I almost never smoke the last 1/4 of the bowl.
FWIW I also tend to smoke a little fast and hot. Maybe slowing down would help, I don't know, I don't intend to find out.
I think of the last 1/4 of the bowl as the "angel's share". Or, since it winds up getting dumped on the ground "Mother Earth's share".



Dec 19, 2016
I've learned to completely sidestep the issue by cutting all of my pipes down one quarter of the way lower so that by the time I hit rock bottom, I am done just in time! :mrgreen:



Feb 16, 2017
Awesome replies and input gang, appreciate the intent, instruction and humor :)

I guess it's still all about the learning.



Can't Leave
Mar 2, 2016
You're probably packing too tight, or the tobacco isn't dry enough (or both), and smoking too fast as well. In some pipes, the hole is higher then the bottom and you'll have a hard time smoking the whole thing to ash sometimes resulting in the dottle. Sherlock Holmes is known in the stories to dry his dottle and smoke it, and I believe there are some smokers that do, I haven't tried it yet.



Jul 1, 2012
Central Oregon
You are getting some great advice here. The only thing I will add is to remind you to relax and enjoy the smoking experience. You will get this figured out in time, especially when you find the ability to just let your early expectations go, sit back and enjoy each smoking session be what it is going to be. I understand that it may not seem like it now, but trust those of us who have gone before you when we say that learning is a part of the fun and soon you will soon find that you have made some great strides. Happy puffing.



Jul 1, 2012
Central Oregon
You are getting some great advice here. The only thing I will add is to remind you to relax and enjoy the smoking experience. You will get this figured out in time, especially when you find the ability to just let your early expectations go, sit back and enjoy each smoking session be what it is going to be. I understand that it may not seem like it now, but trust those of us who have gone before you when we say that learning is a part of the fun and soon you will soon find that you have made some great strides. Happy puffing.



Mar 25, 2016
Dumping the stubborn crap at the bottom of the bowl is not a crime. Just because you're not ending up with a bowl full of fine white ash does not mean you're doing it wrong. I'm not claiming that this is the right way, but I find that when a bowl has a good final act, the last bit of tobacco has been reduced to carbon-coated dottle, but hasn't been burned to ash.
Sometimes dumping the ash on top, relighting, and choking the chamber with a couple fingers over the hole while drawing can get to that pesky moist stuff at the bottom to smolder; for Virginias and Orientals, this can sometimes be the best part of the bowl! :puffy:



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
I have to confess that I feel rather pleased with myself when I come to empty out a bowl and see only ash tumbling out.
That said, I would never struggle to get the last bit of baccy to burn. If it refuses to burn then I won't force it to burn.
Good packing with properly dried baccy is the key.

Jan 8, 2013
I would add to tamp lightly, if it hasn't already been mentioned above. You may be tamping the last bit of tobacco too tight along with the added moisture to not burn well.

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