While rummaging around in back of the cellar, I spied a pint jar of Lane's Crown Achievement. I didn't even know it was there. I suppose I ended up with it, in my early cellaring days. I purchased it along with a number of other blend ideas- copy/pasted from SmokingPipes' Ten Best Bulk Seller List. There it sat gathering dust, among others such as C&D Bayou Morning and Epiphany, Big & Burley and Kramer's Danny Kaye. Somehow I just never got around to it. I had ordered four oz of each and jarred them up. Stacked and over the course of time, pushed to the back. Fortunately, this blend likes time to mature.
I've never been a huge fan of the Lane. I guess I ranked their blends somewhere below PS, MacBaren and C&D, In the same general ballpark as Sutliff and Newminster. Good, everyday smoking but nothing to rave about. Mistaken snobbery in the case of Crown Achievement. It's good- very good.
It appears to be a standard English blend with various tobaccos ranging from Latakia to lighter and leather colored bits. Medium, uniform sized particles. When I opened the bell jar the smoky lat aroma wafted out and dominated any other. I am reminded of one LP Peretti's English blends. Time and the jar have been kind to it -for it packs well in my Sav 320xl Author. The pipe has a very open draw. Easy charring and lighting. Copious, creamy cool smoke. Comforting in a Goldilocks oatmeal kind of way- just right for a cool foggy morning, like this morning. Warming and satisfying for a 1st smoke of the day. Easy with zero relights. Not one of those slogging blends that fatigues half way through. Medium nic hit.
I guess I'd have to say that it's a big thumbs up for Lane' Crown Achievement in my book.
I've never been a huge fan of the Lane. I guess I ranked their blends somewhere below PS, MacBaren and C&D, In the same general ballpark as Sutliff and Newminster. Good, everyday smoking but nothing to rave about. Mistaken snobbery in the case of Crown Achievement. It's good- very good.
It appears to be a standard English blend with various tobaccos ranging from Latakia to lighter and leather colored bits. Medium, uniform sized particles. When I opened the bell jar the smoky lat aroma wafted out and dominated any other. I am reminded of one LP Peretti's English blends. Time and the jar have been kind to it -for it packs well in my Sav 320xl Author. The pipe has a very open draw. Easy charring and lighting. Copious, creamy cool smoke. Comforting in a Goldilocks oatmeal kind of way- just right for a cool foggy morning, like this morning. Warming and satisfying for a 1st smoke of the day. Easy with zero relights. Not one of those slogging blends that fatigues half way through. Medium nic hit.
I guess I'd have to say that it's a big thumbs up for Lane' Crown Achievement in my book.