Lakeland Question

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Aug 24, 2019
There's definitely a flowery fragrance when I smell it. It reminds me of a certain type of scented soap my great grandma had.

Thanks everyone for the advice. Will order an inexpensive (not cheap ;)) MM and see how I go. Another good excuse to order some more new tobacco to try!
One never needs an excuse to buy more tobacco - those with wives just tell them that you're investing money wisely - I've not tried any Lakeland blend myself but just wanted to add that MM cobs are a great pipe.

Once the vegetal taste has gone [after 2-3 bowls] and I've burnt off the piece of hardwood that intrudes into the chamber, my MM cobs smoke just as well as any of my briars.


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
Don't know about proper Lakelands yet, however I got gifted a couple of briars who have had 20 years' worth of Captain Black in them and when I reach the heel the taste of the smoke changes to Captain Black. I've smoked GH ropes, ODF, Latakia bombs in them, cleaned with alcohol and salt, reamed them, cleaned them with water yet nothing has exorcised the old Captain's ghost out.
Mar 13, 2020
Don't know about proper Lakelands yet, however I got gifted a couple of briars who have had 20 years' worth of Captain Black in them and when I reach the heel the taste of the smoke changes to Captain Black. I've smoked GH ropes, ODF, Latakia bombs in them, cleaned with alcohol and salt, reamed them, cleaned them with water yet nothing has exorcised the old Captain's ghost out.
I've heard the ghost of Captain Black is a bitch to exorcise


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
I haven't tried Captain Black but that ghost is actually quite pleasant :)
The funny thing is that I'm considering buying Captain Black and mixing it with something like Amphora Red, which I like on its own, and would also increase the tobacco taste while bringing the Captain Blackness down.
Mar 13, 2020
CBG gets too much grief. I actually enjoy it myself. Chris Morgan did a review on it himself.

You know, I feel like CB in general gets a ton of grief. I've never tried it, but I would probably like it if I did. I'm just really not into aros like that at the moment. I did, however, order a pouch of mix 79. Gotta see what the fuss is about on that one.
Jun 9, 2018
I recently got a whole load of 10g samples. :col:

Within which is some Ennerdale, which has a fairly unique aroma.....should I be concerned about it affecting the flavour of whichever pipe I smoke it in? Or should I just get a cheap MM pipe to try it in to see whether I like it or not?

Any advice gratefully received!

If you do get a ghost from the Ennerdale and you want rid your best bet is to give these guys a call...................

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Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
Tried Ennerdale for the first time today thanks to @lightmybriar, and it was glorious.

I felt like a kid that just heard Led Zeppelin for the first time and thinks he's discovered something new, so he goes around telling everyone about it.

It is, isn't it? Yes it's floral, but it is smooth and coats the mouth. I'd describe it like a thick cream, with whiffs of tobacco. Let's build the love for Lakelands, apart from the few members who have seen the light!

I'd change Led Zeppelin with Black Sabbath ;)