you can always just use mason jar lids with the cheaper jars
For now I cant even find lids locally.. They may be out there to order though.
you can always just use mason jar lids with the cheaper jars
The Chinese have the habit of showing utter contempt for civility much less consumer laws to increase profits.These jars have no markings.. same thing though two piece lid. These have no design, I believe they are marked made in china. The only difference in functional design i can see is that the rubber seal is clear or white instead of pink or red.. This may indicate that it's a different material.
I boil the jars prior to refilling. Same as canning vegitables.Do a quick search on your local Craigslist.
I bought a couple cases this past summer, when all the stores were sold out.............. cheap.
Used is ok too, just wash them good, or run through the dishwasher...... just my $.02
Yup, I buy them at the local grocery storeyou can always just use mason jar lids with the cheaper jars
I use Ball, Mason and Kerr. Sorry to hear of the shortage in your area. The stores here are stacked with them. Even WalMart.We're still out of mason jars here in my town... I've got a few pounds of bulk piling up on me. Has anyone tried the knock off mason type jars? They're probably made in china and available from Dollar Tree. Seems like a pretty simple device.. how could they be inferior?
The real deal can be ordered from Amazon, but they are quite a bit more expensive that way.
Has anyone tried Non-mason mason jars?
I use Ball, Mason and Kerr. Sorry to hear of the shortage in your area. The stores here are stacked with them. Even WalMart.
My recently excessive TAD has caused me to need more jars and I’m in the same situation here. No jars . I do have Mylar bags that I‘ll use if I can’t find jars. Amazon seems to charge a lot for their jars and I can’t pull the trigger going that route right now.
About 50 bucks for a flat.. but hey, the shipping is free. Plus you might have a couple of broken jars after the postal workers drop kick the box a few times.
WalMart here is showing (in stock) for pick up $9 for 12 pint, $12 for 6 qt. To ship is crazy expensive. Try WalMart and use the availability filter to see the nearest store to you with stock. Try Lowes and Home Depot too. Local hardware\home and garden might have them.Crazy.. I was in a nearby larger town today.. nothing there either, not even lids.
WalMart here is showing (in stock) for pick up $9 for 12 pint, $12 for 6 qt. To ship is crazy expensive. Try WalMart and use the availability filter to see the nearest store to you with stock. Try Lowes and Home Depot too. Local hardware\home and garden might have them.
If you have to drive out of town for jars, come on up here. Get a trunk full of jars and we'll go to D&R. I live 15 minutes away from them.Crazy.. I was in a nearby larger town today.. nothing there either, not even lids.
If you have to drive out of town for jars, come on up here. Get a trunk full of jars and we'll go to D&R. I live 15 minutes away from them.