No social media for me. Not before, not now, not ever. The more I learn about it, the better I feel. Forums is social media in a limited sense, but not in the big picture. I learn a lot here on Forums, and from sponsor retail sites, former sponsor retail sites, and paper catalogs they send me, as well as the occasional pipe shop or pipe show visit. After some years of chasing the newest marvel in blends and pipes, I'm more content, often going back to ancient blends like Granger or Three Star Blue and not worrying about unicorn blends or anything else that isn't readily available, except opportunistically, just by luck. In one sense, pipe smoking should be antithetical to fads and group excitement. Step to your own drummer and let the parade pass on by. About social media, I could go on and on. Don't like the founders, don't like the culture, don't like the glimpses of it I see, don't like the friends I've lost who've been gobbled up by it and won't phone, email or mail back, people devoured by the electronic device monster. If this is the future, it's a shame. To former friends, if you screen has devoured you, send location and circumstances by carrier pigeon and I'll try to rescue you.