I live here. See that English Tudor 3 houses down on the right that is mine.
I belong to a couple other pipe forums but PM is my main squeeze. I always have a tab open and I can scroll through new threads very quickly. If I see something that interests me I check it out.
When you compare PM to sites of it's kind it is easy to see how much busier it is and the quality of the discussions cannot be had at any other site. We have more action than the other 4 forums combined.
I believe the reason for this is we have been around longer than most and there is good balance of busting each others balls but then we get serious about a topic and people here do their homework, they are not just pulling shit out of their asses and calling it facts.
Here is a fact most people don't know but Latakia is made by smoking the leaves over piles of slow burning Camel shit. How's the Latakia tasting now boys?