Thanks for the pix, Davet. He certainly favors his old man in the looks department - and that's taking into account the hair issue.
This class warfare business has been around since God invented dirt. It's ugly, divisive as hell and why somebody would rather be given a fish than learning how to fish puzzles me to no end.
For me, AF, you might've summed it up the best, "It's just a case of the have nots, that continue to not want to work, plaguing working people. I do believe in the hand up, not hand out, capitalist policies."
I hope this thread can run for awhile. (Most of us Yanks don't have a clue to anything going on north of Michigan.) Folks in this thread are making simple declarative statements, nobody has been shy about their opinions and, not surprisingly, comments have been forthright and polite - unlike that rowdy-assed Blue Jay trash pitching beer cans on the field and fellow fans while dismantling the Rangers.
At this point, nobody has started a butt hurt, carpet bombing campaign of leftist/conservative swill and Molotov cocktails which always insures a lock. On that note, let's keep a taut line here. I'm enjoying learning about your reactions to the current state of affairs in Canada.
PS: Met several vacationing and expatriated Canadians last Saturday at the 2nd ALCS game in Kansas City. They were fun, slightly inebriated and boisterous fans of their beloved Jays. But, to a man, they were all grateful for the reception and good natured teasing they received at Kauffman Stadium. Several had been to games in New York, Boston and LA and felt threatened by the taunts and jeers. "Nobody has ever invited us to tailgate with them. Your fans are effing fantastic! They know more about our guys than we do."