Just pre-loaded Skyrim on my steam

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Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2011
Haha it's only a problem if you're concerned about spending too much time in the game. Me I reroll for another playthrough. I've spent (according to steam) 151 hours playing Fallout: New Vegas I can only imagine what Skyrim will do to me.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2011
I still haven't figured out WTF you guys are talking about?
We're geeking out and talking about a high profile fantasy role-playing game and it's upcoming release.
Still playing threw Human Revolution. No new games until SWTOR, but skyrim made it very close on my list!
Human Revolution is pretty fantastic. Old Republic might be alright but I think you may be making a mistake leaving Skyrim off the list. TES has always given lots of content, a great world, and many involved stories aside from the main. Definitely well worth the $60.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Chicago, IL
Eh....i actually started oblivion so i understand the quality of game I'm passing up. Honestly tho I didn't get that into oblivion....and it's not the $60 it's the hours od gameplay. Plus, IMO, TOR WILL be excellent....based on my unyielding love of Star Wars as well as my much enjoyed time in the beta :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2011
Well I would judge TES on Morrowind and not Oblivion because in my opinion Oblivion was the weaker of the two. Definitely prettier but just not quite as fine an experience.

Haha hours of gameplay and you're going in for an MMO? Just messing with you. I can see where you're coming from.



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
I got Dues ex for my Bday and have been hacking through the levels every night . Good thing I have softy bits as I clinch my pipe .I cant tell you how many hours were spent on Fallout New Vegas as my steam account got hacked and I had to make a new one .And then there was Guild Wars with its 5 addons and updated every couple of days . If I were to start Skyrim it is possible that I would not leave my home office for entire weekends ,growing a beard and looking like Howard Hughes before his death . Well perhaps next month . I will get one new game for Christmas just can not decide on the one to get . Amd FX8120 Bulldozer ,16gs mem,twin Gtx550I,Cooler Master V8, Scout Case and a 1200 watt power supply .Yeah my desk top can jump start my car , can yours . :nana:



May 4, 2011
"I said it after i cooked her dinner, and suffered through a whole episode of glee..... i have rights too"
Damn Skippy! That's why I'm the only guy in Texas who saw the "Sex and the City" movie. Gotta protect my zombies from the estrogen brigade.
Essentially, the movie was about some 50-something-ish women trying to look like 30-something-ish, self-styled trendy New York socialite types with infinite amounts of money to spend on minutia they recieve from nebulous careers and the story centers around one of the selfish, made-up old bags trying to marry some dude she slept with frequently (though not altogether exclusively) for a period of time. (sex=love in Hollywood)
It really is as bad as you might expect. Or, if you are a fan of the TV series It's GREAT! The fact that I watched it all, remembered some of the characters names and didn't play a zombie killing game with my headphones on the entire time was worth major points.
They made a sequel but I'm out on this one. It is clearly a sequel designed to convince even the fans thatthey are wasting their money.



Can't Leave
Nov 8, 2011
Louisville, Ky
I'll be standing in line at my local GameStop at 12:01am Friday...Although I'm gonna have to share with my wonderfully nerdy girlfriend,

Happy to say I'm one of the few guys lucky enough to have a girl who's as big a nerd as I am!



Mar 9, 2010
I have too many games to play, but I guess I'll get to it in a year or so. CoD always comes first. :lol:



Jun 2, 2011
Only 18 hours until release! So damn excited!
Man, I'm worried you might be in for a major dissapointment. What if it's a total fail? Unlikely, I know. I'm just worried for you! :cry: :wink:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 12, 2011
Buchanan, GA
The line at the local Gamestop I was going to buy it at was wrapped completely around the little shopping strip that it was in. I drove across the street to Walmart and had the game at 12:03 :nana:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 29, 2011
the line at my gamestop was a quarter way round the block at the midnight release. I cheated though and got my copy because I went to talk to a friend and they gave me a copy whilst we spoke. Also the Argonians are bad ass this time



Jul 13, 2010
i ant stop playing
This is the EXACT reason I won't play games like this. I'd want to complete the level with everything that I could get, so this would take forever. Nope. I'll stick with my Bejeweled 2 on endless mode.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2011
i cant stop playing
Me neither JC. I decided to go Nord and I'm having way too much fun crafting and adventuring. I spent a good many hours just leveling my smithing so I could make dragon armor. I did it and I love my new armor and my legendary weapons. Now for my enchanting...that one's going to be tough.
Initial impressions?

Here's a quick review from me. Leaps and bounds better than Oblivion! The world actually feels alive with constantly meeting people on the roads and not being able to walk between towns without coming across like 7 ruins or dungeons. Great variety and quality in the voice acting as opposed to Oblivions 20 voice actors (I believe Skyrim has 70 or so). Combat isn't very different and could be better but quite fun regardless. The crafting is hugely improved. I spent a good 8 hours on my smithing and actually had fun doing it.
All in all it's a beautiful game and a great experience. The things that could be better are easily overlooked as I wouldn't want this game to be in a "jack of all trades, master of none" situation. Bethesda really knocked it out of the park. Also as a PC dude I can not wait for the community to start putting out content and adding to this.

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