roth the initial fee is 2000.00 then it is only a grand a year, not sure where you are getting the 7000.00. I can only speak for myself and how I ran my business and I always tried to make it easy for my customers to choose their preferred method of payment. Obviously JFH does not feel they need to carry MC because they have dropped them. Only time will if that decision was a wise move. In today's world many people only have their debit card for on line purchases and if that is a MC then they would bypass ordering from JFH. My business card is a Visa and my personal is a MC, plus I have other CC's but if I only had one MC then I would not order from JFH. How many people are in that boat? Is their decision costing them customers, I think it is.
z, I owned one of my businesses for 20 years and it didn't cost very much to carry Amex. I think it was like 8 bucks a month plus the fees, which were higher than MC and Visa but certainly not enough to not allow my customers to use it. Being an Amex car holder for over 30 years I used to take offense at businesses that did not allow me to use it. I love their point system and have received many free airline flights over the years. When I moved to Florida in 2003, I was able to get 5 of my 6 tickets for free because of my points. That was back when 20,000 points got you a free ticket, now it is 25,000.