"Another way family heirlooms get displaced, kidnapping, in the sense that some old boy will run off
with some gold-digging or flakey woman a few years younger, and she grabs all the family history and
heirlooms, refusing to give them to children, the ex, or anyone else who actually lived with and cared
about the items. The "love interest" eventually kicks off, and no one knows anything about any of the
pillaged family items, and off they go to the flea market. Happens all the time. Or a Lathario geezer,
same process."
A good friend of mine's mother died in her 60's. Bob is an only child. His dad remarried within a yr and moved his new wife into the home he had lived in for over 35 yrs, put her name on the title & everything. All his mother's personal things soon started disappearing from the house. After 5-6 yrs his dad died. When Bob received the call he lived 8 hrs away and it was 9:00 pm, so he told them he would be leaving at about 4:00 AM and be in there by noon. When he arrived his dad's personal possessions including his gun safe which also held valuable papers had been cleaned out by her adult children, and no one seemed to know what happened to his dad's things. The new wife continued to live in the home until she died at which time her adult children inherited it and everything else. Bob has none of his parents things.