June Pax Tobacco Crawl with New Head Blender for C&D - Jeremy Reeves

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Jun 4, 2014
United States
Greetings all:
Our June tobacco crawl will be hosted by my friend Jeremy Reeves, the new Head Blender and Production Manager for Cornell & Diehl.
Jeremy has been an avid pipe smoker for over a decade. He is as passionate about pipes, pipe tobacco, and blending tobacco as a man can be.
Until recently Jeremy worked in customer service for SmokingPipes.com. He has been my mentor and has guided me through both pipe purchases and my exploration of tobacco blends. He directed me to GL Pease Quite Nights when I was in search of an alternative to Penance. He knew my tastes so well, that he encouraged me to buy a half-pound on my first order, saying he would personally buy it back from me if I didn't like it. I'm into my third half-pound can, so you know I did.
Jeremy's experience as a tobacco shop manager, as well as a wood-fire pizza chef, give him unique insight into running a boutique blending operation like Cornell & Diehl. When he isn't running the factory he enjoys the outdoors, particularly camping and hiking. He's an "adventurous eater," and has an expressed love for trying new things and attempting to recreate them in his kitchen at home, which is another reason he's such a great fit at C&D. Born in Portales, New Mexico, Jeremy is a bit of a rolling stone. He has called Chicago, Denver, Cleveland, and Portland home, before moving to South Carolina, my place of birth, where we hope he will stay.
Jeremy is moving operations, including C&D inventory and machinery from North Carolina and setting up shop in Little River, SC. Like our mutual friend Russ Oulette, he'll stop in on our crawl regularly, with comments, observations and answers to your questions.
I'll be posting Jeremy's Picks for this month's crawl shortly.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Cool beans! I'm just about to try my second ever C&D produced blend. The first was JKP, and this next will be...

another one...I'm not gonna say so as not to influence the crawl selections.

Don't forget to get with Russ or whoever it is at P&C to see about 'our' club discount. :D



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Greetings all:
Jeremy's Picks for the June Tobacco Crawl
  • Autumn Evening

    [/*]Five O'CLock Shadow
  • Pirate Kake

    [/*]Bourbon Bleu

Bourbon Bleu is being released today, so you will not find it for sale anywhere just yet.
Here is some more good news. Our friend and site sponsor Rich at 4Noggins.com has agreed to put together a sampler package of this month's blends for us and it will sell at $20 or less shipped. Howzzat for good news?
In the meantime, Jeremy will be dropping in shortly to tell us a little about the blends he picked for this month's crawl.
Official kick-off will be Friday June 5th.



Mar 3, 2014
Kennesaw, GA
Awesome. I'm a huge C&D whore, if I needed to, I could limit myself to just the offerings that they tin,( as they tin GLP and Capt Earl's as well) and be content with my cellar.
I'm a big fan of one of the selections that Jeremy has made in 5 O'Clock Shadow, I'll participate in that one for sure.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
What is the Tobacco Crawl?
The Tobacco Crawl is a virtual pipe smoker's club. Our purpose is to educate our palates and explore the world of pipe tobacco blends. We also enjoy the company of fellow pipe smoking enthusiasts.
We explore a new theme every month or so. For example, in different months we smoked straight Virginias, Viriginia/Periques and Virginia Burlys.
This year we we are inviting industry leaders to co-host our crawls. Last month, Russ Oulette introduced us to some fabulous tobaccos blends that he created. This month, Jeremy Reeves, Head Blender for C&D is lending his time and expertise.
How does it work?
Anyone can join the craw. You can come in for the whole month and try all the blends or you can drop in try just one blend, if that suits you. Just reply to this post that you would like to join us.
All are asked to provide comments, critiques and reviews and share impressions. The only real rule is that you must have smoked one of the selected blends and you absolutely must be polite, diplomatic and respectful of other members and guest hosts.
You can obtain the blends from any source you wish. However, some of our hosts provide a club discount for a bundle of that month's picks.
Newcomers are especially encouraged to join. It is a great way to methodically explore your knowledge of our hobby. Veterans are likewise encouraged to join so as to share their knowledge with less experienced members.
The last Rule: Have Fun?
If you plan to participate in the June Crawl with Jeremy, please reply to this thread stating your intentions so that Rich has an idea of how much tobacco he needs to purchase for the craw.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 2, 2015
Love all the C&D blends I have tried thus far (which is none of these). I guess its time I came out of the shadows and participate!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 4, 2013
I'm in. Have had none of these blends, although I do have Autumn Evening. Looking forward to it



Might Stick Around
Aug 14, 2014
I might need to give this crawl a try. I know 4 noggins will get them to me in Canada.
The Autumn evening and especially the Pirate Kake have my interest. I wonder what the Bourbon Bleu is all about, guess we'll hear from Jeremy soon. :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
May 25, 2012
I am interested and have AE which is a great aro. Have not tried the others and interested in the sampler.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
You guys are in for a treat. All very good blends. My personal favorite out of the bunch is Pirate Kake.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 14, 2015
Hi, Everyone!
Special thanks to brass for the kind introduction, and for the opportunity to chat with you guys about one of my favorite subjects: Tobacco!
So as brass mentioned, the subjects of this Cornell and Diehl Tobacco Crawl are:

Autumn Evening

Five O'CLock Shadow

Pirate Kake

Bourbon Bleu
Autumn Evening is made using C&D's unique, handmade Red Virginia Cavendish, and is sauced with Maple, Scotch and Caramel while the tobacco is still hot and steaming. This infuses the flavors into the tobacco, pulling the flavorings into the tobacco as the water steams out. AE is our number one best seller and for good reason: It is delicious! The aroma is intoxicating, the flavor is rich and tobacco-forward, and the burning qualities are excellent. It is the only true aromatic in my personal rotation and it is so good that I have dedicated one of my favorite pipes to it.
Five O'Clock Shadow is the first offering from our Working Man's Series, introduced a couple of years ago. FOS also uses a good dose of our Red Virginia Cavendish, but without any topping. Added to the Red VA Cav, are Perique, Red Virginia and Dark Fired KY. The blend is pressed into a crumble cake, and ages extremely well. This is one of my go-to tobaccos when I want some real strength (which is just about always). Chocolatey and deep, a little spicy and smooth as can be. I always have a working tin of this stuff, not to mention 3 or 4 pounds in the cellar.
Pirate Kake is one of the biggest, boldest Lat mixtures that C&D makes. Comprised of Bright and Red VA, Dark and White Burley, Turkish and a heroic helping of Latakia, this is one for the heavy English type smokers. Although the Latakia is HUGE, the Turkish, Burleys and VA's make their presence known as well. I recognize that Latakia is probably the most divisive tobacco component the pipe world has to offer, but for those who find themselves in the "Love It" camp, this is one to try!
Bourbon Bleu rounds out our four picks for this Crawl. Bourbon Bleu is made up primarily of Bright VA, spiced with Dark Fired KY and a touch of Perique, topped with a very nice Kentucky Bourbon. After placing the mixture in a container to marry for a day, we put it in our 100 year old 110 ton press to further marry. The result is a lovely and easy to smoke Crumble Cake with lots of complexity and a very nice but unassuming natural aroma enhanced with the rich and earthy sweetness of Bourbon. This blend was a huge hit at it's unveiling at the Chicago show this year. Laudisi Distribution Group just announced it to retailers today, so hit up your local B&M's and ask them if they can get it!
I hope this is as fun for all of you as it has been for me. Enjoy!



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Any company entrusted to blend for G.L. Pease and Tom Eltang must have some credibility.

The C&D Brand and reputation is something earned through continued dedication to quality.

This crawl should have quite a few readers chime in with their impressions.

It's a great way to assuage TAD guilt, too!

"I gotta do it for the 'club' honey" "Everybody's depending on me"



Feb 10, 2015
Very exciting as I have some autumn evening and pirate kake. Both are favs of mine this crawl should be a good one.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
June Tobacco Crawl Schedule
Friday, May 22 - Order your tobacco from 4Noggins

Friday, June 5 - Autumn Evening

Friday, June 12 - Five O'CLock Shadow

Friday, June 19 - Pirate Kake

Friday, June 26 - Bourbon Bleu


www.4noggins.com - Rich is putting together the Jeremy's Pax Pick Pack. It will be advertised on the 4noggins home page and listed in the bulk section by Friday, June 22. The sampler will contain at least 1 ounce (28 grams) of each blend. This will be enough for 8 or 9 bowls. He is also giving us very special pricing. The cost will be less than $20 including shipping. Thanks, Rich!!
You can also order from smokingpipes.com. Most any tobacconist who sponsors Pipes Magazine will carry Cornell and Diehl products.

Autum Evening - Aromatic

Five O'Clock Shadow - Kentucky, Perique, Virginia

Pirate Kake Burley, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish - Blended by Craig Tarler

Bourbon Bleu - New Release. Be the first to write a review.

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