Here are my latest Sutliff Private Stock reviews.
CD Blend:
The latakia and perique are mere condiments here, but they add a nice bass note. Burley is the main star, with the Virginia playing back up. There are little fig and prune notes with a light sweet topping I cannot identify, but it has an alcohol base (sweet rum?). At times, I get a slightly sour tangy taste mixing in with the sweet, and there's a nice earthy Burley taste that gives this some complexity. Because it's a rough coarse cut mixture, I recommend a round bowl rather than a pipe with a narrow chamber so it will burn to the last bit. It burns evenly and cooly, and holds up its flavor to the very end. A very good regular smoke.
Man's Best Friend:
This is more or less a replacement for Barking Dog, which I never smoked. It's designed to be an English blend made the "American" way, which I take to mean it's not a Balkan blend where latakia dominates the flavor. The latakia is there to add a smoky base note to the main star, which is the earthy, nutty white burley. The burley is quality choice as is the lemon Virginia that adds an enjoyable tangy sweetness. The mild rum topping is assisted by a complimentary raisin/stewed fruit note or two as well. A colorful blend that's pretty to look at, burns perfectly to the very end, and is complex with a multiplicity of flavors that don't crowd each other out. Smoking it in a pipe with a wide bowl will enhance the experience, but any pipe will work for this mixture.
A mild, friendly aromatic burley based blend with Virginia and black cavendish, and a mild fruit/rum-like topping. The Virginia has a light hay taste and is a condimental addition. I didn't get much nuttiness from the burley, which is more sweet than earthy. The black cavendish almost crowds it out, though the vanilla taste is mild, as are the plum notes. The topping is mild, but it tones down the natural taste of the burley. This is the kind of smooth smoking aromatic that's made for relaxation and book reading.
Top Shelf:
The bourbon is the main star here, and the smell when you open the tin is amazing. This has the most intense bourbon taste of any tobacco I've ever smoked. When dried, it's less intense, and a few burley and Virginia notes are present then. It burns well whether it's moist or dry and leaves no goop in the bottom of your bowl. Either way you decide to smoke it. you're buying this only because you want a bourbon flavored blend. And if that's what you want, you've certainly come to the right mixture.
Balkan Luxury Blend 957:
A medium blend English with a smokey latakia taste that is nicely contrasted by the sweet, light vanilla flavor of the black cavendish. The Orientals and perique are complimentary ingredients in a mild way. The sweet and smokey taste translates well in regard to the room note, making this an English blend that your friends won't object to. Full tasting enough to get your English fix, it can almost be an all day smoke, too. A welcome change from dry smoking, latakia heavy Balkan blends.
A mild aromatic. The black cavendish has a mild vanilla flavor, and the latakia gives a lightly smokey hit that rises this mixture above regular cavendish/burley blends. It's a small, but important addition. The topping is sweet, and I get a slight plum note. The burley flavor is crowded out a little, but without it being a supporting player, this blend just wouldn't work. The burley is a little more noticeable if you give it a little drying time. Cool smoking, burns well, extremely pleasant taste that smells good, too.