Jim's Sutliff Private Stock Reviews

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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
The folks at Sutliff have asked a number of people to review their Private Stock series, and I am one of them. They understand that if I don't like a blend, I can be honest and pan it if I so choose. Once a month, they mail out six tins for review. So far, I've reviewed ten of the twelve tins for Tobacco Reviews.com, but will be posting those reviews here, too. So, here's the first ten.
Great Outdoors:

I never smoked Field and Stream, so I can't compare the two. What I can say is that this is a very good aro with mild nuttiness, vanilla, light licorice, and plum and honey flavors. It smells great out of the tin and the room note is extremely pleasant. It's sweet but not powerfully so. Burns well with consistent flavor to the end, and the burley is nutty and mildly sweet, and adds a mild nic hit. I smoked this tin faster than any other Sutliff blend I tried recently. I'll need more for the cellar.
Blend #5:

I think it's slightly stronger than Dunhill 965, and doesn't taste like it at all. The latakia is strong without being a lat-bomb or overwhelming your senses. It's the main player, taste-wise, but the light, nutty and earthy burley and the Virginia rounds out the flavor quite well. It burns well, clean, and even with no bite, no dottle, and no bitterness. It's great in briar and even better in a meer. The room note is not overly strong either. Well worth buying!

A mild to medium English blend with high quality Virginia that is very slightly sweet. The latakia gives the proper bass notes and does not overwhelm, and the Turkish is very mild. I enjoy the flavor of the burley, which adds an earthy, mildly sweet, nutty taste, and at times, is more obvious than the Virginia. It's the kind of English that you can smoke more than once a day, and feel satisfied. Some mild English blends leave a smoker with an empty feeling, but this one doesn't partly due to how the burley enhances the experience. Burns smooth and evenly with no bite, and often leaves you wanting to smoke another bowl right away.
Blue Danube:

A terrific aro. Smells and tastes a little like sweet honey bread to the smoker, and those around him/her. M'lady wants me to smoke it all the time. Burns very evenly and well. I get a hint of molasses and brown sugar at times, and a hint of vanilla with a very light nut taste. It's sweet, but not cloyingly so, which means you can smoke it all day without getting tongue bite or diabetes. The Virginia component is not that prominent, but has a natural sweetness that adds extra flavor and evenness to how it burns when you smoke it. A delightful smoke for any time of day or night.
Molto Dulce:

A black cavendish smoker's delight. It's crackles as it burns if you don't dry it first, and can leave some goop, too. I prefer to dry it out first. There's a pleasant vanilla, carmel, slightly buttery, molasses, honey taste that is consistent throughout the smoke. The vanilla flavor is the main player here, as is usually the case in this kind of blend, and I detect a light licorice note or two. It's a little sweeter than I prefer, but if you are a BC smoker, you'll become addicted to this and forget most of the other BC blends. As for the room note, well, if you're single, you may not be for long if women smell the wonderful aroma this mixture produces.

Spinnaker is an interesting blend. The reviewer who said it smelled like Ludens Cough Drops is dead right, and it's very intense if you try to smoke it wet. You'll also be faced with goop at the bottom. However, if you dry it out, the cherry taste is still present, but in a lesser form, and you'll have no goop, too. You'll also notice a few burley notes and some fruit taste I can't identify, and when dry, those flavors become more obvious as you smoke it. Wet or dry, it won't bite your tongue, though it may burn hot if you smoke it wet. If you like cherry blends, and are looking for a step up from lighter ones, you'll like this as long as you follow my advice.
Golden Age:

This doesn't taste much like Elizabethan to me. As someone else noted, it's like Royal Yacht-light. It also reminds me of Germain's Royal Jersey with perique, though that blend is lighter on the perique than this one is. But the sweet Virginia taste is almost the same. This is lightly sweeter than RJ/wP because the light addition of unsweetened black cavendish. It burns well and even with no goop, no dottle. The perique is slightly plum and peppery, but it's a team player and not necessarily the star component. If you're looking for an all day smoke with a little sweetness and just enough spice to tickle your tongue, this is blend will give you what you need.
Maple Street:

While it does taste a bit like pancakes due to the maple flavor, there are other blends that have a more intense flapjack taste. I prefer this to them. The tin note is rum and maple, and I taste a little rum while smoking it, but maple is definitely the predominate flavor. I get a slight pistachio note or two from the white burley, too. Burns darn near perfectly all the way to the bottom.
The room note is great and everybody around me who has smelled it notices the maple and not the rum. The more intense blends I mentioned earlier are too sweet for my personal tastes, but this is medium sweet and doesn't overwhelm, unless you are not used to aromatics. This is more of a three and half star blend for me, but I feel three stars short-changes it, so it gets a four star rating for blends in this genre.
Country Estate:

A smooth smoking mixture with a plum, fruit, and vanilla taste. I also sense a slight date note. The Virginia is downplayed by the other flavors, adding a very light hay note, and a slight natural sweetness, but I think it helps smooth out the black cavendish. A mild to medium blend that burns well, and is fairly sweet. It tastes just like it smells, and fills the room with a pleasant aroma. One of the smoother black cavendish blends on the market. It gets three stars because of that.
Barbados Plantation:

The rum and vanilla flavors are the predominate tastes of this blend. The Virginia is there to tame potential harshness, because you really can't taste it. The rum is very pleasant, and if I had my choice, I'd decrease the vanilla flavor and let the rum shine through more. However, it's very flavorful, though it does require a little drying fresh out of the tin to avoid goop and make it easier to keep lit. Don't dry it out completely though or you'll risk losing some flavor. I'd give it three and half stars if I was able, but I give it four because I like it too much to give it three.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 7, 2013
Jim, I appreciate your detailed analyses of these Sutliff blends. More good choices means even more enjoyment as autumn approaches.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Rothnh: Eventually, I will get to try all of the Private Stock Blends, and being more of a VaPer and straight Virginia smoker than an aro smoker, I greatly anticipate trying them all. And of course, I'll report on them.
Funny how getting into and working to promote and keep alive Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend led to this. I'd have never, ever expected it to happen.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Thanks, Rothnh. That means a lot coming from you.
Getting free tobacco for reviews. Yeah, I'll do that all day long.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
No, I haven't tried it yet. I sure want to, and I'm sure they'll send it me.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Thank you, Brad. You know your tobaccos, too. And yes, the Blend #5 is really good stuff.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2013
Jim, as a a new smoker only having a few months of experience I have valued your reviews already. I got a sample of Edward G Robinson's blend after your recommendation and have enjoyed it. I have had a few of the Sutliff blends you reviewed above in my cart already but have not pulled the trigger. After tonight you might push me over the edge to grab a few. I really want to try the Man's Best Friend as well so I am interested to see what you think.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Lincolnsbark: thank you very much for the kind words. I was told today that Sutliff is readying the 1.5 oz. tins of EGR, so I suspect it won't be too long before it's on the market.
I'm curious as to which SPS blends you are getting.



Oct 12, 2011
Great job Jim! If anyone on this forum knows his stuff, it's you. Value your opinions greatly...



May 17, 2012
Thanks Jim, this list is really appreciated. The only one here I've tried so far, and just recently, is Field Master. I'm liking it enough to put more on my next order, and I experienced a similar feeling about wanting more right away. I could taste it for awhile afterwards, darn it was good.
I've been mostly an aromatic guy for years, so I have Molto Dolce on hand (based on reviews here) but haven't cracked it open yet. I probably should, but I kinda want more Field Master... 8O



Jul 24, 2012
Panama City, Florida
Very well written and very descriptive! I've smoked #5, Man's Best Friend, Molto Dulco and Great Outdoors. Favorite Is Man's Best Friend followed by Great Outdoors.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Thanks, Weezell and Ghost. Yeah, I love the burley flavor in the Fieldmaster. It makes it different than many other English blends and just tastes darn good. I'm nearly finished with the tin, and will have to get some more. As much as I like the Blend #5 - which is really good - the Fieldmaster pleases me more.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
Nice job, Jim. Sutliff certainly takes their blends and customers' opinions seriously, which is very refreshing. I've enjoyed the 4 blends I've tried so far and they are priced very well. I think they've hit on a good business model and hope they continue to follow it.



Nov 12, 2012
I have tried several of the Sutliff Blends, my favorite aro thus far is Country Estate. I am curious to try Man's Best Friend and now Field Master.



Oct 12, 2011
Just got a tin of Sutliff Private Stock Bosphorus Cruise. Am eager to try it...



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Here's my review of Metropolitain:
This has an alcohol casing that's pleasant, almost like a medium-sweet wine. The Golden Virginia adds a honey taste that reminds me a little of Blue Danube. The burley isn't all that noticeable, but I get a slight sweetness from it, and none of the nutty characteristics I usually expect from burley. The black cavendish has the familiar vanilla and light licorice/anise traits, though I also get some tasty plum flavor, and light date notes. I find it a little milder and slightly smoother than Sutliff's Great Outdoors blend with more emphasis on the black cavendish. It's a very comfortable smoke that gets three stars from me because I can't give it two and half, and it deserves more than two stars. I prefer the Great Outdoors blend because it's a little stronger and a little more complex smoke. This blend is almost like what would happen if you mixed Blue Danube with Great Outdoors without being stronger than BD is. It's an easy going, medium sweet mixture with a great room note that makes a nice dessert smoke. Recommended for the smoker who wants a mild, sweet smoke.



Can't Leave
Mar 1, 2013
Jim, I have a question about Great Outdoors. In your review, you listed it as an aromatic. I was under the impression that it was a VA of some sort (the Sutliff site lists it as "non-aromatic.")
The only reason I ask is because I just found a 1yr old 1.5oz tin in my cellar. And I figured I would let it age more.
Well, I guess my question is, in your opinion, would you classify Great Outdoors as a mild aromatic, or a VA with a light topping? I actually wouldn't be sure what the difference between the two are, might just be a slight nuance.
Maybe I should get around to cracking that tin, and seeing how it did. But, I haven't had it fresh yet, so I've nothing to compare it to.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Murf: Yes, I would consider it a mild aro even though Sutliff does not. That's mainly due to the amount of black cavendish which is not overly present, but about the same amount I found in Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend, which is listed as a mild aro. But this has more Virginia than EGR, so technically, it may not be an aro, but it's close to the borderline for me.

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