Sutliff Edgeworth RR Match is great, altho I find the flavor inconsistent even smoking very slow. When it's there, it's amazing though. If it was more consistent it'd be hands down one of my favorite tobaccos, but as is I'm hesitant to buy a lot more. I have this issue with a lot of Sutliff's tobaccos though. Lane BL/WB is great too, at first the smell threw me off (I got it at a local tobacco store) but it grew on me and smokes great, consistently good flavor. I've been wanting to get some more. Walnut is on the "must try" list also.
I picked up the last 4 pouches of Carter Hall at Food Lion and they were half off, $1.79 a pouch, now they're discontinued I was very very happy! Been smoking a ton of CH lately, it's one of my favorite codgers.