Jim's Condor Long Cut Review

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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
The flavor of the Virginia is mostly hidden, though I do get some earth and a hint of grass from it. The topping is a little perfumy and soapy, and definitely floral. I get some dark fruitiness (slightly tangy) which may come from either the topping or the tobacco; it's a little hard to decide which, but perhaps it's from both. Has a nice nic-hit. Not as overwhelming as I had expected, which is a plus, but I consider this to be more for an experienced smoker. Fully flavored, burns slow with a consistent taste, which is more of an acquired one for many smokers. It's not an all day smoke, but if this fits your flavor profile, repetition will enter your mind. Will ghost a pipe fast, so be prepared to either dedicate a briar or a cob to it. I suggest trying it out in a meer first.



Dec 8, 2013
Maryland USA
Thanks for the review. Your reviews are a true asset to the forum.
After 'enjoying' a sample of this recently, i agree with the floral, soapy taste of the topping. Then we part company. My experience yielded a taste reminiscent of a Sunday-morning-hangover-mouth followed by a faint taste of what one might think a fine 30 weight motor oil would taste like if sipped warm. Slow burning and heavy with a decent nic hit for sure. I'll try it again because I am a slow learner, but it will probably be a while...



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
jmill208: It's definitely an "either you like it or you don't" tobacco. If it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you. I can see people disagreeing with me on this one.



Can't Leave
Oct 24, 2013
I love Condor. But I'd be the last guy to say it isn't strange tasting. It's REALLY weird stuff! I just happen to like it. A LOT.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
All right guys you knew it wouldn't take long for me to pop up and comment on this thread! The Long Cut is an odd duck and as you all know I favor the ready rubbed but then that is a matter of personal preference and the fact that I have found the flake to be damn near fire proof has no bearing on the situation! In a pinch I will smoke the stuff but I find the Condor plug or ready rubbed to be far more my speed. Strangely my experience with the long cut is that it seems to need multiple relights or the addition of a pilot light to keep the stuff burning. As a side note has anyone noticed the change in flavor if you pack your pipe with the 'fold and stuff method' as opposed to rubbing it out? It is very similar to the subtle differences you will encounter between smoking the Spanish Condor and that destined for the British market.



Aug 20, 2013
Thanks for the review, Jim; very informative, as usual.
I want to smoke Condor in the worst way but refuse to pay the freight. To me, tins are expensive, and the price of this tobacco is twice that. Then overseas shipping. I'll get some when I'm rich and famous.



Jun 2, 2011
Several packets of this were available a the West Coast Pipe Show. They were snatched up before I could come back around to them. Ah well, I still love the ready rubbed!



Aug 20, 2013
Klause has asked for me to review Condor, and review it I will, but the degree of nuance in Jim's review, above, is far beyond this reviewer's palate. I love this stuff, and that is sure. It's HO (high-octane, high-nicotine) tobacco is at least similar to the dark-fired Malawi and Indian dark air-cured that constitute Dark Flake/Plug. It has that same smokiness and cigar notes. I find its strength just right, maybe 80% of Dark Flake, which can hit you on the head, but then again I like being the recipient of such cranial assault, and accordingly have smoked a great deal of Dark Flake. Then there is the topping, which is magic to me, complex, perhaps two or three flavorings.
Back when I know more, but I'm no JimInks!



Good stuff, Mike - cheers.
It's always interesting to read others views on the things you love. It encourages me to look on them again with fresh eyes.
Glad it hit the spot.
Cracking review, Jim - as always.



Aug 20, 2013
I'm still working on the Condor that Klause so generously sent to me. I've probably smoked 45/75g. This definitely could be my desert island tobacco. I love its strength, smokiness and cigar notes, and equally love the floral/soapy topping. This is the first time that I have loved the topping as well as the tobacco. Whether or not it is VA, burley or both, is completely beyond me.
The strongest tobaccos are tropical, as I imagine this is; and the dark flavor is quite comparable to Dark Flake.
That's about the best review I can do.
I have contemplated selling my $10,000.00 cellar to buy 9.5 years of exclusive Condor smokes. Yes, that's how long I could find love in this King, Queen and Prince of tobaccos by buying it with the money from the sale of my cellar. 3 smokes a day, exclusive. 60 now, I plan to live in lucidity for 90 years, so roughly I'd have to find another $10K for my Condor supply in my 70s well as 80s. Though I will definitely be rich and famous before its all over, somehow this plan seems risky. I think I'll keep chucking down the Dark Flake which costs 1/3 of Condor, and when I have some extra money, buy it from time to time, smoke it up in 4-6 weeks and wait for a resupply sometime in the next season.
To give you an idea of how much more willing I am to spend money on more reasonably-priced tobacco, I had $300.00 on hand and almost bought 830g of Condor with it; but I just couldn't feel good about this and instead turned it into 40 tins of Escudo, 4 lbs of it compared to ~1.5 of Condor. That gives me 127 tins, and with this purchase have entered my Escudo comfort zone.



Aug 20, 2013
Caved and spent money on more of this beloved. 375g or 15 25g plugs arrived yesterday. Contemplating putting on my walking shoes to sell my car to fund a rather bigger buy;).
Kidding aside, I will buy more, but the money that it would take to cellar it in the quantity that I've cellared Dark Flake is clearly not going to happen.
The smoke has taken residence in what I would call my favorite, potent, dark, Irish-flavored, plug tobacco. When I smoke it I feel like I'm part of history. I'm ready to do some research to find out more about where it came from.
My thanks again to klause who started me down Condor road.



Can't Leave
Feb 3, 2015
I think that being baffled is part of the enjoyment.
It is a very unique experience that has so much going on with it. I personally love puzzles and to me lakelands are the most puzzling blends out there.(that I have come across to date)



Jul 29, 2013
I received some RR in a generous sample package. I wish Condor was available here in stores as it'd be the only OTC I'd purchase. Good stuff Condor is.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
After having Ennerdale Flake I'm baffled at why people would enjoy the soapy taste this Lakelands have.
I think ennerdale flake would be the worst lakeland for someone to try at first. To me lakelands are like really bitter IPA's, you may hate it at first but it grows on you. I've never had ennerdale but I do enjoy BB#2, Bob's chocolate flake, Kendal flake which is citrus flavor without the soapy/floral notes. I think it's one of those things you can learn to enjoy, kind of like how I used to hate beer but now love the taste, the maltier the better.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
So there you have it - in a control sample most people would want to buy Condor or even sell their children/tobacco stash to acquire a life time supply of the stuff!



Dec 25, 2013
Or as P.T. Barnum once said, "Never underestimate the taste in tobacco of the American public." Actually that is somewhat of a paraphrase.



Jun 30, 2013
Andy I agree with you regarding lakelands. I enjoy many of them but ennerdale not so much.
I find the underlying tobacco in long cut to be very interesting and not unlike the old dark fired.

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