When I first found online U.S. tobacconists, the vast range of blends left me a bit bewildered in a sea of choice.
Fortunately members on pipe forums put me onto Tobacco Reviews where I found Jim Inks reviews most reliable and accurate.
Apart from getting a good idea of what to expect from a blend, Jim is the only reviewer who gives an accurate account of the nicotine levels [Sorry Stevie B but you're all over the place mate. Nonetheless you have earned a participation ribbon and a gold star to slap on your forehead as an encouragement award
After around 35 years of smoking cigarettes, in the later years my cravings had become ridiculous. [Why I switched to a pipe]
Although I've since come to the conclusion that the nicotine was less to blame for cravings than some of the 300 to 600 chemicals that are added to tailor-made cigs, regardless of the cause, smoking unadulterated pipe tobacco blends with mild Vit N has gotten that monkey off my back.
@JimInks your reviews have been a huge help in assisting me to choose untried blends that suit my needs.
Your reviews also helped me to 'go out on a limb' and venture into other genres.
For example; after trying a sample of Becks ol' Limey Bastard, that had a bag note that I described as "Asphalt, burnt rubber and butt", I was pleasantly surprised to find later on, that there were Latakia blends where the leaf did not dominate or overwhelm. [Puffing on Balkan Sobranie Match as I type
Your reviews helped me to get there.
Just wanted you to know Jim, that your dedication to the pipe smoking community through your reviews, has been the single biggest influence on improving my enjoyment tenfold.
Very much appreciated. Thank you.
Fortunately members on pipe forums put me onto Tobacco Reviews where I found Jim Inks reviews most reliable and accurate.
Apart from getting a good idea of what to expect from a blend, Jim is the only reviewer who gives an accurate account of the nicotine levels [Sorry Stevie B but you're all over the place mate. Nonetheless you have earned a participation ribbon and a gold star to slap on your forehead as an encouragement award

After around 35 years of smoking cigarettes, in the later years my cravings had become ridiculous. [Why I switched to a pipe]
Although I've since come to the conclusion that the nicotine was less to blame for cravings than some of the 300 to 600 chemicals that are added to tailor-made cigs, regardless of the cause, smoking unadulterated pipe tobacco blends with mild Vit N has gotten that monkey off my back.
@JimInks your reviews have been a huge help in assisting me to choose untried blends that suit my needs.
Your reviews also helped me to 'go out on a limb' and venture into other genres.
For example; after trying a sample of Becks ol' Limey Bastard, that had a bag note that I described as "Asphalt, burnt rubber and butt", I was pleasantly surprised to find later on, that there were Latakia blends where the leaf did not dominate or overwhelm. [Puffing on Balkan Sobranie Match as I type

Your reviews helped me to get there.
Just wanted you to know Jim, that your dedication to the pipe smoking community through your reviews, has been the single biggest influence on improving my enjoyment tenfold.
Very much appreciated. Thank you.
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