One went for a hair over $1,000 in a lot of 7 pipes.
mau1 Lifer Jan 5, 2018 1,124 839 Ontario, Canada Feb 15, 2019 #61 One went for a hair over $1,000 in a lot of 7 pipes.
mawnansmiff Lifer Oct 14, 2015 7,901 8,927 Sunny Cornwall, UK. Feb 21, 2019 #62 Coming back to the forum after a brief health break I have so say this thread came across as pretty negative all round. Far too many nasty comments that are just unnecessary. It was not like this when I joined in 2015. Regards, Jay.
Coming back to the forum after a brief health break I have so say this thread came across as pretty negative all round. Far too many nasty comments that are just unnecessary. It was not like this when I joined in 2015. Regards, Jay.
mechanic Starting to Get Obsessed Dec 1, 2018 242 2 Feb 21, 2019 #63 Fk it if i can afford it i wont ask you clowns opinions il just buy il post pics after though