I've just gotten off the phone with Kevin, the Vice-President at Iwan Ries (Chuck's son.) As things happen in the real world, my e-mail took some days to percolate through the system and finally reached Kevin, who checked with his people and filled in the details of what had occurred. Kevin was very sweet and nice on the phone, and sorry that the whole mess occurred. As we all know, whenever a retail merchant offers a sale, someone (and often many someones,) will come along after the sale and try and get in on it, offering every reason in the book as to how their order got messed up, they were in the hospital, they were on Mars--you name it. At any rate, Kevin had a chat with his people suggesting better ways to handle a situation such as this--mostly involving bumping the matter up to him, rather than just letting the matter end right there. I was able to reconstruct most of the order, and juggled a few things around to get close to the total order, and he's taking care of it and will be shipping my order out shortly. Needless to say, Kevin was disappointed that the matter didn't reach him sooner, but once it did, he acted with alacrity to get matters straightened out. The good news, beyond the obvious one of my getting my order back into the pipeline (pun intended,) is that it afforded Kevin the opportunity to do some much needed training with his people about handling customer relations, and that's a good thing in any business, particularly one that's been around for a century and a half.
Thank you all for your various comments, and kudos to Kevin for making matters right.