I've got no Reason to Quit

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Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
I quit smoking cigarettes. I quit smoking pot. I quit drinking to excess. The tobacco pipe and general fat fuckery are all I have left. One of them will kill me long before the other, so I’m focused on that (admittedly half-ass focused, but trying).

Whether or not I feel as though tobacco pipes are a significant enough risk to my longevity to outweigh the pleasure and stress relief they provide is a decision that can wait until I address high blood pressure, high cholesterol, GERD, gout, back pain, fatty liver, and everything else that has come along with 20 years of eating like a fois gras goose.


Aug 24, 2019
You may be kidding, but I seem to remember reading some statistics years ago that actually support your statement. puffy
Yep. A U.S. Surgeon Generals report from the 60's [when it was cool to smoke] found that pipe smokers who inhale have the same life expectancy as a non-smoker.

Personally I love smoking my pipe.
Cigarettes became a serious addiction.
A pipe is more like a relaxing and pleasurable past time.
It's comforting when I'm stressed and picks one up when feeling a bit blue.

Fretting about any hobby is a bit self defeating.
The mind is a powerful thing. Like when the witchdoctor points a bone at an aboriginal, they're dead within three days.
Not because the witchdoctor or a kangaroo bone has any power, they die because they believe that they're a dead man walking.
They find themselves a comfy spot in the shade near a creek or river and await the rainbow serpent to come and take them like the Grim Reaper.
Pipes got me off a serious addiction, so I see my relaxing hobby in a positive light.
Don't allow the rabid anti-smoking wankers to harshen your enjoyment.
It's all in or nothing.
Don't be like an aboriginal. It's only a roo bone waved around by a wanker after all.

z-evil laugh - austin powers alter ego.jpg


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I love how people talk about how long their live when talking about health. I have said many times if the pipe kills me at the same time that cigs would have, well at least I can run and don't lose my breath when doing certain physical activities. I don't fry my taste buds and can still enjoy the finer aspects of foods and taste subtle things many none smokers can't, which wasn't the case with cigs. Quality of life and quality of health are more important to my mind then longevity. And I don't see any real signs of the pipe hurting me. In a month with out cigs I could tell a difference. A month with out any smoking and just snuff and snus I really honestly could not tell you a difference. If I go on a pipe smoking bender the only thing I really notice is a lingering tobacco taste. After learning to slow down smoking many pipes in one day doesn't hurt my throat even a tiny bit.


Oct 6, 2021
Because I'm not addicted.

About 4 years ago, I started dipping heavily. In about 3 months I realized that I'd become addicted. If I got a few hours into my day without dip, I was jonesing bad. So I quit, because I refuse to be addicted to anything.

If I ever felt that way about pipe smoking, I'd quit. I refuse to be addicted.

But in 14ish years of pipe smoking, I have never, ever "jonesed" for it. I've gone days and weeks without it -- recently I even went a couple months without it, due to a nasal issue -- and I never craved it in that sense.

So no need to quit.


Can't Leave
Apr 21, 2021
Northeast TN
I think we all know that smoking 'isnt good for you' from a physical standpoint. However smoking pipes can be therapeutic and almost cathartic, in the right circumstance.

I think life can be viewed as a quality vs quantity issue also. Ive seen many many elderly folks, 80-100 years old, who are alive but just existing and essentially just waiting to die. Thats really not a life most would want to live.

Also from a medical standpoint, theres more and more evidence emerging for treatment/prevention of certain cognitive decline and/or dementia via the use of nicotine. So I like to think that our awesome hobby may be helping to prevent dementia, ha. Theres always trade offs in life.

Not to mention, pipes and pipe smoking is just awesome.


Feb 21, 2013
I smoke moderately, not even a bowl a day averaged out, so I feel not invincible but like I'm not addicted as such. When I have to quit for some days or even weeks, for health or for being extra busy, I don't have cravings or mood changes, so I suspect I'm not that hooked on nicotine. I enjoy the occasional buzz, but it's not my reason for smoking a pipe.

I like to t think I have reached a reasonable accommodation with pipe smoking. No one can precisely know their susceptibility to any one environmental exposure or any one mixture, which is what tobacco smoke is. I think I do get some benefit out of the relaxation and serenity I get from gearing down for a smoke.

Sam Gamgee

Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 24, 2022
DFW, Texas
It's sad that smoking tobacco in any form is so controversial today, all while pot-smoking becomes ubiquitous and accepted. I smell pot all the time while in traffic (I often drive with windows down), and just yesterday as I was walking into my local Walmart I smelled it in the parking lot.

I always tell people that pipe-smoking is a hobby, not a habit. Big difference.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 19, 2023
Lots of wisdom in this post, even the things said in jest have truth to them. If I had to guess, I would say that consuming excessive amounts of sugar on a regular basis is more harmful to your health that pipe/cigar smoking.

The older I get, the more I realize how much other people (including some doctors) like to shit on your parade. They don't know you from a can of paint, and yet they'll provide their unsolicited opinion as if they're doing you a favor. As it has been said previously, I will live my life my way; as I see fit. Most of the time, people's (unhelpful, malicious, prideful) opinions are something to be heard, considered and then immediately discarded as you go about your day.

They say "I'll quit when I'm dead." but let's be honest...most of us wouldn't. Don't let others bring you down. Light up a bowl and live your life as best as you can.


Jul 22, 2018
Pipe smoking is too sporadic to be an urgent health issue, I've set a rule to smoke maximum three bowls a week.
It's more a contemplation thing than a nicotine fix, which I get from snus.

Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson, definitely country legends.
Been listening to The Highwaymen lately.