So leaving the EU will (I’m sure it’s more complicated than this) make it harder to get foreign tobacco?
It depends what you mean by 'foreign', you are only supposed to be able to buy tobacco from another EU member if the relevant taxes for the destination country are charged by the shop you are buying from BEFORE the tobacco is sent. In reality they just send the tobacco without taxing it which means it's about a 1/3 or more cheaper, the downside is (I believe) if customs intercept the parcel then they will just destroy it and you'll probably get a snotty letter telling you not to do it again. How leaving the EU (if we ever do!) affects this I've no idea, I know if we leave without a deal we go to WTO rules with different amounts of tax for different products but how much that would be for tobacco I don't know.
Outside the EU is a different kettle of fish, I've ordered from the US a number of times and fill out a customs declaration which states what's in the parcel. When it arrives on British soil it goes into the black hole that is customs & excise and you just have to wait for them to get round to adding on the various taxes, they even tax the postage which caught me out the first time I ordered.
Long story short it pretty much doubles the price, an example would be Campaign Dark Flake which cost me £18 or about $22, but at least you can buy tobacco from America whereas UK shops won't ship to the US. I wouldn't have thought BREXIT would affect purchasing from the US as it's outside the EU.
This is why I've been building a cellar of foreign tobacco as quickly as I can so when it all goes tits up I've got a good selection to choose from, you have to remember the choice in England is MUCH less than the US and is maybe 250 blends or so, luckily there's a core of great things due to Gawith & Germains but the overall choice is nowhere near what's available in America.
I'm sure it's only a matter of time before either the UK bans all internet tobacco sales or the courier service/post office stop transporting tobacco products or the credit card companies refuse to process payments for tobacco so I'm getting what I can when I can as one or all of those things are bound to pass eventually what with the current anti-tobacco society we live in.