My dad's mom, Grandma to me, was Scotch-Irish, though her maiden name sounds English to me. The Yankee-proud
side of my Grandfather's family barely mentioned this, portraying the whole clan a Anglo. My sister and I suppose that
there are all kinds of wonderful extra ethnicities thrown in there. My mom's dad claimed to be Welsh, but his name
isn't, as near as we can tell. I think we're typical American stock. A genetic test would probably turn up a far wider
variety of cultures and ethnicities than we have been led to believe. In those earlier generations, it was an advantage to
play up the English connections, so that was what people did. When I went to Scotland, I "met my father" in every tour
guide and shop keeper; he was much more Scot, in terms of personality, than English. Great solicitousness toward
children, not often seen in Brits.