Interpreting "Metalhead Y Cigar Guy"'s Battle Jacket

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Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Haha... I was goofing around and did a Google search on my screen name and this thread popped up. Not sure how I missed it before. Here are more recent pics of the jacket, and how it currently sits at the moment. FYI... the Reigning Metal patch was from a fanzine I used to run on Myspace way back in the day before Facebook came along and when Myspace was actually cool for about 5 minutes. LOL That page is still up as I never deleted it. Of course its been ages since I've looked at it, so I have no idea what's even posted anymore.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
LOL I always saw them as more of a gimmick than a real band. I've listened to some of their material and it just never took with me. Would have liked to have seen them live though, as they were supposed to have a great stage show.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Caught one of their shows years ago, and oddly only remember about twenty minutes of it. :wink: Great twenty minutes though!



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Might someone explain the forked finger gesture and its relevance to rock music in general?
We never did that in the days I saw Motorhead, Lizzy, AC/DC, Quo, Priest etc but it now seems all the rage with the teens at rock concerts :crazy:



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
Ya'll listen to girly metal. We need some Meshuggah up in here.
Agree with Tinsel Tool is an amazing band but I don't really consider them to be metal. Got more of a prog thing going on.
Mastadon's older stuff was proper as well.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 30, 2015
I can hang with some Meshuggah, for sure! I saw Mastodon open for Lamb of God/Slayer and thought they were super heavy live, bought their album Leviathan and thought "what happened?" I do love the last two Cattle Decapitation albums!

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Might someone explain the forked finger gesture and its relevance to rock music in general?
We never did that in the days I saw Motorhead, Lizzy, AC/DC, Quo, Priest etc but it now seems all the rage with the teens at rock concerts
Music history lesson here. Back in 1979 when Ronnie James Dio took over as vocalist for Black Sabbath he had to come up with something different than what Ozzy was doing on stage. Instead of pumping a fist etc., Ozzy always put up two fingers (peace sign). Not to duplicate Ozzy; Dio decided that he would use the "malocchio" or "maloik" which means to give the evil eye or ward off the evil eye. He learned this from his Italian grandmother when he was very little. Once Dio began to do this at Sabbath concerts the hand gesture caught on, and later became known as the Metal Horns. Others refer to it as the sign of the devil.
The Metal Horns should only be used to reference something Metal such as: being at a Metal concert and paying respect to the band on stage or another fan, gesturing to another Metalhead, and/or giving respect to something that is Metal. You have to be a Metalhead to really understand that last reference. If someone is throwing up the Metal Horns at a Jimmy Buffet concert for example, that person should be beat, tarred and feathered and have his hands cut off. Ok, that's a bit extreme but it's really annoying when the hipster or country dude throws up the Metal Horns to something that has nothing to do with Heavy Metal. It's so annoying. Its like a Kardashian wearing a Slayer shirt. They have never heard one Slayer song in their life, so don't wear the shirt. It's also really easy to spot the Metal imposter as they can't give the sign the correct way. The thumb should never be out, and is always tucked in.
Origin of the Metal Horns:
Ozzy giving Peace signs:



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Thanks for the detailed explanation Metalhead. Unfortunately I never got to see Sabbath and to be honest wouldn't have done if Dio was leading the band. Ozzie was the only Sabbath frontman as far as I'm concerned.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 17, 2013
McHenry, MS
And all this time I thought there was just a bunch of Texas Aggie fans at metal concerts. Damn it, I'm so sheltered... :?

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
@mawnansmiff - yes, the "real" Black Sabbath is Ozzy, Iommi, Geezer and Ward, but the other versions of Sabbath are really good too. It helps to think of them as a different band and not Black Sabbath. Heck the Tony Martin era Sabbath is really good too. Iommi's playing style is different in the different bands, and there are a tone of great songs. Always worth giving a listen to, but just tell yourself its just another great Heavy Metal band and not Sabbath and rock out.
By the way I've seen Black Sabbath 3 times, and Ozzy solo 3 times. Always a good show.

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