Interesting Cigar Day Playing Golf Yesterday

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Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Went out yesterday to play a round of golf at an amazing course, Waterlefe in Bradenton, FL. Felt like a golf course that was built in the middle of a freaking ocean. Was paired up with an older couple. I lit up a cigar on the first hole, noticed soon after the old fellow was holding a hankie or towel over his nose. This was a day with a constant 5 to 10 mph wind and I wasn't closer than 20 feet to them. He finally made a comment about being very sensitive to second hand smoke, had a bad lung, whatever. I made sure to increase the distance significantly more. I left my cigar in the cart when I went to the green and tee, the only times they were close to me anyway.

On the 10th hole, the guy asked me if I had any more cigars. I thought that strange but said "Oh yeah, you want one?" LOL He said no but said if I was going to smoke another one, I should just go ahead and play by myself. I was in the midst of lighting up a Padron 4000, I said okey dokey. They pulled up to me on a tee 3 or 4 holes later and said if I had finished, I could play with them. I told them no such luck, I'd likely be smoking through the end of the round.

I'm all for respecting other folks privacy and sensitivity to smoke. But you also have to draw the line somewhere. The Ranger on the course was smoking a cigar, I actually gave him an Olivia Serie V while we were chatting. I was never rude in the least to these folks and they weren't rude to me either. I struggle to fathom how the few miniscule wisps of smoke this guy caught from my cigar could have been bothering him.

The 4 some in front of me ended up inviting me to join them for the last 3 holes. Great bunch of guys, a couple were smoking cigars. They got a laugh out of deal and one of them asked for my number so we could hook up to play some golf moving forward. He was one of the guys smoking a cigar. Hope they don't pair us up with the smoke sensitive couple, that probably won't go well.


Jan 9, 2015
A respectful exchange. The stress of asking / monitoring was tougher on the non smoking couples body than a few wafts from a premium cigar. The 4000 is one fin stick! Maduro?


Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
I’ve had similar things happen while out on my boat:

Woman in passing kayaker group: “I didn’t come out here to smell that guy’s smoke...”

Me: “ I didn’t come out here to listen to the shitty music you’re blasting through a cell phone and hear your annoying voice from across the lake.”

She shut up. For a while, at least. I still had to listen to her shitty music. So much for respecting my peace and quiet.

I always defer to someone who is bothered by my smoke, I’m conscious of the fact that it can bother people. Some people are just extra bothered and expect others to bow down to them while they themselves may very well be doing things we find offensive. I guess with smoke there is a health aspect...but, shit, you were outside, and (not a golfer here so just assuming) isn’t the golf course kinda where you go to smoke a cigar?


May 23, 2018
I haven't golfed since I was a teenager, 45 years ago. They paired you up with total strangers? Is this common practice now days?

The only golfing I do now is Top Golf or mini-golf. I really enjoy Top Golf...always a fun day out with my sons.
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Aug 20, 2013
The only person who likes the smell of a cigar is the one smoking it. To him it is called "aroma." It does stink up a house, but whether from pipe or cigar, I never minded that. The smell goes with a bachelor's disdain for standards of civility about which he stopped caring long ago.

I'm like that with dress. You could justifiably call me a slob. But. . .I. . . .simply. . .don't . . .care. I'm getting to the point where I have less and less energy for observing social convention. How I speak to people is very important, but observing the niceties of society makes so little difference.


Nov 13, 2019
I’ve had similar things happen while out on my boat:

Woman in passing kayaker group: “I didn’t come out here to smell that guy’s smoke...”

Me: “ I didn’t come out here to listen to the shitty music you’re blasting through a cell phone and hear your annoying voice from across the lake.”

She shut up. For a while, at least. I still had to listen to her shitty music. So much for respecting my peace and quiet.

I always defer to someone who is bothered by my smoke, I’m conscious of the fact that it can bother people. Some people are just extra bothered and expect others to bow down to them while they themselves may very well be doing things we find offensive. I guess with smoke there is a health aspect...but, shit, you were outside, and (not a golfer here so just assuming) isn’t the golf course kinda where you go to smoke a cigar?
I guess I can take you off my list for the next Myrtle Beach Golf Trip then.
Haha I guess I can just see both sides of this one. To a non smoker cigar smoke coming at them can be quite annoying. To break off was probably the best idea.

it would be just like if you were golfing with someone getting hammered and didn’t like it. Just break off.

I think a lot of course are going smoke-free.
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Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
If only they put the same amount of energy into fixing their slice as they did into giving you grief.

True. I will say for an older gal, the wife had a fine ass on her. It was definitely finer than the one she was married to. I think the real underlying issue is I was outdriving the guy by 50 yards on every hole and he noticed his wife staring at my crotch. Or, perhaps he noticed me admiring her fine derriere. Or both.
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
The only person who likes the smell of a cigar is the one smoking it. To him it is called "aroma." It does stink up a house, but whether from pipe or cigar, I never minded that. The smell goes with a bachelor's disdain for standards of civility about which he stopped caring long ago.

I'm like that with dress. You could justifiably call me a slob. But. . .I. . . .simply. . .don't . . .care. I'm getting to the point where I have less and less energy for observing social convention. How I speak to people is very important, but observing the niceties of society makes so little difference.

Not true. I love the smell of a fine cigar especially when outdoors where it isn't overwhelming. And I much prefer the smell of cigar smoke to that of cigarette smoke.
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Haha I guess I can just see both sides of this one. To a non smoker cigar smoke coming at them can be quite annoying. To break off was probably the best idea.

it would be just like if you were golfing with someone getting hammered and didn’t like it. Just break off.

I think a lot of course are going smoke-free.

I never got closer than 20 feet and there was a constant 5 to 10 mph wind. It wasn't like I was parked next to them and blowing smoke in their face. I also made sure to stay downwind from them.

I've yet to see any golf course going smoke free on the course itself. Most nicer private clubs even have a cigar lounge or at minimum, a nice outdoor patio/bar where smoking is allowed. We're not talking about munching a lettuce sandwich while playing putt putt BROBS.


Can't Leave
Mar 24, 2019
Liberty Township. OH
I've had this scenario play out at least once per summer for the last decade, especially at courses I visit solo during work travel. I've never made a stink to play ahead from the group if someone politely and directly asks, whatever my personal thoughts. What ticks me off is when you run into the little piss-pants theatrics. Loudly forcing a cough, handkerchief to nose, etc. I don't know what kind of pampered life some people lead where Buster Keaton-level body-language dramatics is considered the go-to social interaction. If smoking is not allowed on a course, I don't smoke.


Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
There are a lot of issues at play in these situations. I think some people do have legitimate respiratory issues, which I can respect. Must be a bummer to have a health condition that restrictive....

Of course, many people are under the mistaken impression that tobacco smoke is unique in the sense that it contains tar and other harmful compounds. That is true of all smoke. So if you're freaking out about someone smoking outdoors but wouldn't skip a BBQ or camping trip, you might want to ask yourself if you're more about expressing a value judgment than a health concern...

And of course there are just plenty of people who are just judgmental as hell about people who make different lifestyle choices and can't just take a live and let live approach. The "Karen" types who call the police to report people for BBQing in a public park or smoking in a parking garage (!).

Without knowing what their deal was, it was probably best you split from grouping up from them, and it's good you found another group more simpatico with you. Though I think it's hilarious they asked about rejoining later. Sorry, pal, afraid not. Wouldn't want to give you an asthma attack or something.

Servant King

Geriatric Millennial
Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
I've had this scenario play out at least once per summer for the last decade, especially at courses I visit solo during work travel. I've never made a stink to play ahead from the group if someone politely and directly asks, whatever my personal thoughts. What ticks me off is when you run into the little piss-pants theatrics. Loudly forcing a cough, handkerchief to nose, etc. I don't know what kind of pampered life some people lead where Buster Keaton-level body-language dramatics is considered the go-to social interaction. If smoking is not allowed on a course, I don't smoke.
Reminds me of the late Bill Hicks' old quote, when he's smoking and someone comes up to him with the faux-cough: "You're lucky you don't smoke! That's a helluva cough you have there. I smoke all day and don't cough like that! Maybe you were conceived with a weak sperm. Maybe your dad was jackin' off and your mom sat on it at the last second!" Not just a great bit in and of itself, but of course, anyone doing the theatrics you mentioned totally deserves to get reamed in this fashion.