Well, well.... a good many years ago, I helped one Dr. Billie Taylor compile his history of The Pipe. While it's long since inactive (and, to be honest, I'm not certain whether the good doctor is even still living), you can find it here:
Billie W. Taylor II, Ph.D. Pipe Collector - http://thepipe.info/. It's an old website so the interface is a bit clunky. At the top navigation, start by clicking on "History."
But, to answer your question more directly, I had one in my collection that I smoked from time to time. I can't recall what happened to it. I may have used it as a doorstop at one point. There's nothing wrong with them, except some (including me) find they smoke a bit hot. On the upside, when it gets dirty, you can put it in your dishwasher.