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Aug 20, 2022
Pollyanna speaking here. My 9-10 dollar tins are all 30-50% higher than they were in 2012. My pounds of bulk Samuel Gawith flakes cost me 52-55 a pound, not a half a pound like it is now.

My bags of Esoterica Stonehaven are all 35.00 for an 8oz bag. My Mac Baren Old Dark Fired I paid either 9.99 or 10.99 for a 3.5 oz tin and now they are 22.95 for a 3.5 ounce tin.
Discontinued blends that I loaded up on were Rotary Navy Cut, Brigham Klondike Gold, Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky, Butera Dark Stoved.

States no longer letting tobacco shipped into their borders is a thing. excise taxes on pipe tobacco keep going up. dealers are now expected to collect some of these taxes.
I am going to give one I told you so and then shut my pipe hole.
This is why I try to limit pipe purchases and max out my cellar while I can. Also favorite blends and brands have vanished. If a hurricane knocked out perique production and my favorite tobacco dried up and disappeared, I would be bummed when I eventually run out in five or six years. I'd like to stretch that to a multi decade supply while I can.

That availability pain is why I have 40oz of Stonehaven jarred from 2011 when I had the opportunity to get wait listed for buying them at the standard retail price. I should've bought 10 bags, but I had less disposable income then.
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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
This is why I try to limit pipe purchases and max out my cellar while I can. Also favorite blends and brands have vanished. If a hurricane knocked out perique production and my favorite tobacco dried up and disappeared, I would be bummed when I eventually run out in five or six years. I'd like to stretch that to a multi decade supply while I can.

That availability pain is why I have 40oz of Stonehaven jarred from 2011 when I had the opportunity to get wait listed for buying them at the standard retail price. I should've bought 10 bags, but I had less disposable income then.
Definitely keep buying tobacco over pipes. Pipes will always be there and eventually the prices on pipes will come down where tobacco prices continue to rise. If you are able, always get a test tin and give it a good workout before you buy it in quantity. I did that to every blend in my cellar except one and the one I didn't test has way too much red Virginia so I will be selling them eventually. It was only 25 tins and it was SG Cabbies MIxture so I am not worried about getting my money back from them.

I would work on blends that are readily available and are considered high quality blends.
Here are a few you might want to check out.
Peterson Flake
Capstan Blue Flake
Peterson Navy Rolls
Peterson Irish Flake
Savinelli Doblone d'Oro
Someone took over the production of Curly Block but I can't remember who. It is expensive but it will be an all world classic in 7-10 years I believe.

Swiss Army Knife

Can't Leave
Jul 12, 2021
North Carolina
How on earth can they tell if someone is smoking in their own home? By nosing through windows? That would be illegal over here.

I can't speak for you guys but here in the UK we say 'an Englishman's home is his castle' and woe betide anyone who tries to deprive him of his rights to do as he pleases (within legal limits) in his own home.

As intimated above, the 'free world' isn't quite as free as some folk would claim.


I don't know, I have seen a lot of ribbing about TV licenses and BBC TV Inspectors peaking through windows :P


Sep 9, 2022
I'm wondering if USPS is X-raying boxes. The last three shipments I've sent out domestically in the US have been sent back to me.
There was a window there when I could import bulk in envelopes and it slipped through. I think those days are over. I'd be surprised if USPS gave a shit what's in the packages. It's the customs service in the receiving country that stops packages, or slaps excise tax on them, and service fees on top of that.
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Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
I don't know, I have seen a lot of ribbing about TV licenses and BBC TV Inspectors peaking [sic] through windows :P
These so called 'licence inspectors' or 'licence officers' are actually just salesmen trying to get folk to buy a TV licence.

Also, it would be an offence for a stranger to go peeking into folk's windows. The law would be on to them in a flash....unless the locals got them first ;)

Besides, I found out years ago, my TV works perfectly fine without one.


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