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Apr 5, 2014
With yet another hideous mass shooting today, I'm coming to realize I don't want to look at the news anymore. I have never thought of myself as a wimpy person. Actually kind of gruff and curmudgeonly. But for quite a while now, when I see these shootings or bombings reported online, I get a feeling of being slightly physically sick. Anybody else get this?



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2014
I stopped watching and reading the news a long time ago and not just because of this kind of thing but because of the insufferable amount of bulls**t it contains. I genuinely feel better without it.



Oct 15, 2013
Such a tragedy. It's difficult for me to imagine the hatred that must exist in somebody to allow them to do something like this and to realize that such people live among us.



Jun 5, 2017
What is wrong? What is wrong is that we are too tolerant, too inclusive... too soft on crime. I bet we will hear 'he was a good boy' ad nauseam.
We must take back our country. Nut cases and those who choose not to be civilized must be dealt with. It used to be that common sense was common. Common law was followed and enforced. For example, vagrancy was a crime. No, you can't poop on the sidewalk in my town. No, you can't camp on the sidewalk or in my yard.
IF we would be more firm with such issues, lots of people would choose to work for a living and 'be civilized'. OMG, why am I typing this?

I know that most of us here already know all this crap. Unfortunately WE can't fix the problem. WE are outnumbered by those who will/would coddle such misfits and claim they have 'rights'. Sigh...



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
The truly evil have been around for ever. It's nothing new. No amount of harsh penalties, increased law enforcement, better mental health screening will change human nature. Anyone remember Charlie Whitman? Patrick Shirrill? James Hubbirty? James Unrah? Those are only a few from the last 60+ years in the US.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
This news is truly heart wrenching. While I don't know all of the details about the assailant what I do believe is that you can't protect yourself from crazy. A sad day for the people in that town that will leave a stain on their hearts forever.



Jan 31, 2011
As horrible as it was, it could have even been a lot worse if not for the intevention of a heroic citizen:
Texas church shooter was stopped by armed citizen with rifle
Somehow I doubt the MSM will give much attention to that aspect of the story.



Oct 12, 2011
While I don't know all of the details about the assailant what I do believe is that you can't protect yourself from crazy.
Well,I can try. Have decided it's time to throw my 38 in my coat pocket on a daily basis... :wink:



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
WE are outnumbered by those who will/would coddle such misfits and claim they have 'rights'
Couldn't have put it better myself. Whilst I'm not in the US, I've seen plenty of the hug-a-thug mentality and politics become utterly pervasive in the Great White North as well.
Prayers offered for those involved. May God have mercy on us all.

Jan 8, 2013
But for quite a while now, when I see these shootings or bombings reported online, I get a feeling of being slightly physically sick.
Nothing wrong with that. It just means that you know evil when you see it, and you actually care. I just got home from work and turning on the tv just past 8:20 tonight is the first I heard of it. And I live in Texas. I'm saddened for those lives lost and I'm saddened for the family and friends of those lost. And I'm sorry that in this day and age an American can't feel safe in their church anymore because some wack job son of a bitch has the gall to do something like this. I'm glad he was stopped before he could have hurt and killed more.



Might Stick Around
Sep 19, 2017
Well,I can try. Have decided it's time to throw my 38 in my coat pocket on a daily basis... :wink:

"The weez..."
Agreed. You have to think about the "soft target" environments. Unfortunately, I do feel the need to carry, everywhere, all the time.


Aug 20, 2013
I think every citizen should tote an AR-15, including children. You just never know when you might need to kill a lot of people. Adults would then be prepared to kill during the course of their day, and children at school.
I give all my discretionary income to the NRA and have made them the sole beneficiary of my will. God knows guns, particularly semi-automatics, help keep America strong. And really, when you think about it, we should legalize fully-automatics as in American life, you never know when you'll need to kill a whole lotta people right quick.
America, home of the brave and the violent, with a massacre every time you turn around. Mandate gun ownership in every household across the nation, and by this secure our freedom.
No one's going to take my guns away!

Jan 8, 2013
Saltedplug, I love how you chose to take a tragedy and turn it into a sarcastic call for gun control. Of course if he hadn't been stopped by an armed citizen, he might have killed more. I wish you could see my middle finger.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
I think every citizen should tote an AR-15, including children. You just never know when you might need to kill a lot of people. Adults would then be prepared to kill during the course of their day, and children at school.
America, home of the brave and the violent, with a massacre every time you turn around. Mandate gun ownership in every household across the nation, and by this secure our freedom.
:crazy: This is what's wrong with America. Some people actually believe this. :crazy:

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