In Regards to Tattoos

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Dec 3, 2011
Pleasanton, CA
I've been wanting to get my family's coat of arms on my shoulder for a while.

But with "Reverisco" in there somewhere ... clan motto which is latin for "I flourish again"



Can't Leave
Apr 27, 2011
As the owner of both the Skeleton wearing an SS Hat and the SS itself, I really shouldn't have explain their meanings, but I will. The reason I will, is because I don't want anyone to be offended here or anywhere for that matter. The SS is my initials. I had them done in a chrome finish so as not to be MISTAKEN for something that they aren't. The Skeleton wearing the SS Hat is a design by an MMA company called Hoelzer Reich. They have many fighters who have worn their gear. There are many things in this world that are offensive. Hell, some people find pipe smoke offensive.



May 4, 2011
I also know guys who left prison with schutsstaffe bolts and swastikas but they aren't Nazis. They did what they had to do to survive but now they get along with everyone. I can't judge them for that.



Mar 9, 2010
the nazi symbol you talk about in your post has many different meanings was it on its point or straight if it was straight its could be a budest thing or native american thing. as both have used the symbol thousands of years befor the nazi party put it on its point and twisted its meaning.
Much like racists have ruined the Thor's hammer I wouldn't mind getting.



Dec 5, 2011
Baron: yep. Had a young guy under my wing like that for a while. Had any, many hours of conversations about it. He's doing relatively well now. Still calls my wife on mothers day to say hi to "mom". Really nice.
@especially nabottle and jaysin: one could have done curvy letters and the old history doesn't matter. These symbols have been tainted by the human history. It's unfortunate, but true. I've got my grandpa's medals from the 1st world war (4 years in the trenches) and the forced labor camps and resistance during the 2nd world war. I grew up with firsthand stories of my grandparents and parents living in occupied Europe. These symbols have a very personal meaning to me as well, but from the other side. Nothing personal, but yeah, they make many people out there flinch.
Nothing personal, love ink, two of my grown kids have nice tats. But I did tell my son, who was contemplating the double rune, that I would kick him out and disown him in a heartbeat. Our family history is too closely affected by what those symbols represented at a given point in time. Once again ,nothing personal to you, I'll gladly have a bowl and a drink with ya,but show me the same respect to have reservations about the symbols.
My $ .02
Smoke on :puffpipe:



Nov 21, 2011
@baron, bass players are the coolest guys in the band; you get a good one and he's worth his weight in gold. I'm rhythm, so all you people accompany me (hee hee), but bass players are the foundation of the band. I hope you get to play an acoustic bass someday; if not already. Can't duplicate that electronically.



Feb 6, 2012
I have four tats and only black ink of course. They all mark a significant moment in my life (a finish line or a starting point). As a representation of my history I consider them a sort of scars. So I'm not happy when a complete stranger asks how and why.



Might Stick Around
Nov 29, 2011
As the owner of both the Skeleton wearing an SS Hat and the SS itself, I really shouldn't have explain their meanings, but I will. The reason I will, is because I don't want anyone to be offended here or anywhere for that matter. The SS is my initials. I had them done in a chrome finish so as not to be MISTAKEN for something that they aren't. The Skeleton wearing the SS Hat is a design by an MMA company called Hoelzer Reich. They have many fighters who have worn their gear. There are many things in this world that are offensive. Hell, some people find pipe smoke offensive.
nabottle, the fact that you posted the pic and responded means you're open to what other people think. You're right, you shouldn't have to explain, but you posted the pic.
Sorry, but your explanation makes absolutely no sense at all. The "SS" stylization in chrome or otherwise are recognized throughout the world as the symbol of the nazi elite corps. They were responsible for many of the crimes against humanity.
Now, if that's all you had it might make sense they were simple "S" lightning bolts, but you also have the skull and nazi hat. There's no mistaking that as a neo-nazi image. Hoelzer Reich denies any neo-nazi connection but they're 100% aware that a lot of their images are neo-nazi and used by Aryan hate groups. They don't control who wears their stuff but they keep putting it out.
Finally, the comparison to pipe smokers is absurd. The world suffered because of nazi's not pipe smokers.
The fact that you have a target tat is fitting. You made yourself a target. Either you're a neo-nazi or someone who is just unaware of what the images mean. You have to live with the consequences of other people's negative reactions to them. The fact that you have tattoos is a non-issue in this instance.
Just my 2 cents.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
reminds me of this picture and the story that goes along with it ( the story says that he thought it was a great tattoo until he got sent to prison, yeah, yeah, yeah....can't believe anything you see on the web)


But there are funny ones too.


Some are almost pretty:



Might Stick Around
Dec 31, 2011
Sorry, but your explanation makes absolutely no sense at all. The "SS" stylization in chrome or otherwise are recognized throughout the world as the symbol of the nazi elite corps. They were responsible for many of the crimes against humanity.
Now, if that's all you had it might make sense they were simple "S" lightning bolts, but you also have the skull and nazi hat. There's no mistaking that as a neo-nazi image. Hoelzer Reich denies any neo-nazi connection but they're 100% aware that a lot of their images are neo-nazi and used by Aryan hate groups. They don't control who wears their stuff but they keep putting it out.
The SS is really two runes two Sol runes which were borrowed by the Nazi party just as the swastika was making them associated with the Nazi party even if they have nothing really to do with the movement.



Might Stick Around
Nov 29, 2011
The SS is really two runes two Sol runes which were borrowed by the Nazi party just as the swastika was making them associated with the Nazi party even if they have nothing really to do with the movement.
Thanks for the education. I knew swastikas were associated with ancient Indian and east asian cultures and are still used by some of them. It seems the nazi's runed (pun) both for everyone. The tattoos in question are clearly neo-nazi.



Can't Leave
Jun 15, 2011
I thinkI am going to step in something that i try not to.

To stay head of the game.

Fist impressions was always drummed into me. My dad said

never get a tattoo. People will judge you by that before you

open your mouth. Now That was in the 50's . Now it is different.

Tattoo's are a statement. Earned scars are a statement.

Some people hide theirs,others show off

So for me first impression could be survival.

We are in the 201?'s and there seems to be a lot of in your face type

of people running around sharing the same skin make up.

I guess what I am saying is. I have a 100ft driveway on a rural country road

and when someone walks up to my house,how he looks makes my decision how to interact

with them.

Other than that it's your body.




Might Stick Around
Dec 31, 2011
Thanks for the education. I knew swastikas were associated with ancient Indian and east asian cultures and are still used by some of them. It seems the nazi's runed (pun) both for everyone. The tattoos in question are clearly neo-nazi.
Here you can read about it:

I have a 100ft driveway on a rural country road

and when someone walks up to my house,how he looks makes my decision how to interact

with them.
I was always tought "Actions speak louder than words" or "Don't judge a book by its cover" so if someone walked up to my yard (I live deep in the forest in Sweden, nobody within miles) I would only base my opinion on how they act.
There are so many people on this earth we all come from different walks of life, we all are different in our own way. Tattoos do not define a person, they do not make a person "bad" and to tell you the truth most of the "bad" guys are often admired by their friends, family, neighbors, such as John Wayne Gacy who was a respected business person and community volunteer, everyone loved him but under his good guy image he was a monster, just for the record this man did not have one tattoo.
In the end there are bad people and there are good people and tattoos mean nothing when you look at the big picture. The truth is that monsters come in all shapes and sizes, under different many disguises. So hold your loved ones close and trust no one.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 9, 2012
I have one, just one, its a tree that has representations of my family on it in different places. Starts at my wrist and ends (atm) at my shoulder. Got it for lots of reasons but the one thing i like the most about it is the fact that it will never be finished. It can always grow a little more and have more added.
But, this one wil be the only one i have on me.
This is my 2nd post here so, Hello everyone!



Aug 14, 2011
I love tattoos on other people. Not for me, but my wife has 2 so far. We made a deal, that she can get 1 every 5 years. Otherwise she'd go crazy with it.
Here in San Antonio, TX unfortunately most tattoos I see are gang-affiliated.
It's really hard not to think a certain way about a person who is showing off what is clearly a tat symbolizing his status as a member of a gang, or some tear drops under his eye for people he's killed or people he's lost.(I forget the meaning behind that particular tat but in most popular rap it's 1 tear drop for a hit)
So it's hard to tell if this person has just made some mistakes in life and has to live with these tats or if they are someone you should stay away from but keep an eye on.
Other than gang-related tats I love the art that people dress themselves in. I'm such an indecisive person that I could never commit to a piece of art unless it truly spoke to me. Things rarely have that effect on me, and even fewer come to mind as tattoos.
Maybe when I become a Father that will spur the needing for some ink somewhere.
Nice tats everyone.
And for the whole Nazi tattoo issue... Different symbols will have different meanings to each individual/group. Unless you know the person you are talking about, keep your assumptions to yourself.
Maybe I'll get a pipe tattoo! muhahaha :puffy:

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