I love tattoos on other people. Not for me, but my wife has 2 so far. We made a deal, that she can get 1 every 5 years. Otherwise she'd go crazy with it.
Here in San Antonio, TX unfortunately most tattoos I see are gang-affiliated.
It's really hard not to think a certain way about a person who is showing off what is clearly a tat symbolizing his status as a member of a gang, or some tear drops under his eye for people he's killed or people he's lost.(I forget the meaning behind that particular tat but in most popular rap it's 1 tear drop for a hit)
So it's hard to tell if this person has just made some mistakes in life and has to live with these tats or if they are someone you should stay away from but keep an eye on.
Other than gang-related tats I love the art that people dress themselves in. I'm such an indecisive person that I could never commit to a piece of art unless it truly spoke to me. Things rarely have that effect on me, and even fewer come to mind as tattoos.
Maybe when I become a Father that will spur the needing for some ink somewhere.
Nice tats everyone.
And for the whole Nazi tattoo issue... Different symbols will have different meanings to each individual/group. Unless you know the person you are talking about, keep your assumptions to yourself.
Maybe I'll get a pipe tattoo! muhahaha :
