In Regards to Tattoos

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May 2, 2011
Central California


The blue dragon is from last weekends tattoo convention. The first pic is pretty fresh from the needle. The second is from just before posting here. Agree there are lingering stereotypes for tattoos, but I like them. I have a planned expansion of the arm work to go around the back of my arm and come over my shoulder. All concealable by a t shirt or show able with a sleeveless shirt. My other arm has my wife's name. Some say that is trouble, but I figure with children together, mortgages, credit ratings, etc that few square inches of skin with her name is one of my smaller commitments.



Can't Leave
Apr 27, 2011
A lot of opinions for sure. Hell, I've wanted tattoos since I was about 3 years old. Both of my Grandpas had them from their time in WWII and the Korean War. My Dad had them from his time in the Air Force. I've always felt that it was the thing for me to do. My parents hated it, but now both arms are sleeved, chest, sternum, right ribcage, etc. Each of us is an individual and when we try to live to suit everyone else, then our individuality is dead. Tattoos are meant to reflect ones uniqueness. Jasongone, where are you tattooing now? I think I saw you were in the Tampa area. I live about 45 min. east of Tampa in Winter Haven. Maybe I can see your portfolio?



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 23, 2011
nabottle - i have been in the tampa area this week... leaving tonight to head back to ohio. i used to live here and come down once or twice a year to do some work. easiest way to see some of my work is on my facebook sir. you can find it here



Can't Leave
Apr 27, 2011
Thanks Jason. I guess I waited too long this time. Oh well. I'll check out your pics. Have a trip back to Ohio man.

Nov 14, 2009
Flowery Branch, GA
Jasongone said:

bootlegbonvivant - i can imagine many many ways to go about a tattoo focusing on a pipe. the possibilities are endless.
When time and $$ permits, maybe you and I could collaborate on something for me. My left calf would be a perfect location. Wouldn't mind sharing a smoke with ya if you wanted to make a trip here on your way to Tampa sometime.
Here's what's on my right calf.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2010
Following the white rabbit
Sorry I missed this one until now. I love the lady's sense of humor. Wonderful.
I have a few tattooes myself, all of them of significance to myself, events in my life, etc. They are all placed where they do not show unless I choose for them to do so. I had them done for myself, not for other people.



Feb 20, 2011
Richmond, BC
I had them done for myself, not for other people.

Too many people (key example is my little brother) get tattoos for cred, you know, getting the badass points (knuckles, hands, neck, throat) without actually earning them. Sad story.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 25, 2011
Canterbury, England
Far too true mate. Alot of the particularly good tattoo artists will refuse to do pieces on standout areas if you've not already had alot of work done. It's something you earn, and a big commitment to get those areas done. It shouldnt be a lightly made choice.



May 4, 2011
I got my first one at 18 and then a few more while I was in the Army. One of my barrack mates was a tattooist and even had an autoclave in his locker, so I got a couple from him. Once my mom told me that tattoos make people look trashy. I had to remind her she was the only family member in the room who wasn't tattooed (except for the children). She got her first one when she turned 60. Gee, mom. What are ya gonna do when you get old and you still have that THING on you?



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 29, 2010
I've got two old tattoos from back in the old days,(Navy),...I followed my dad's advice and put them where they can be covered up if need be.
Thanks dad.



Might Stick Around
Dec 31, 2011
I have a lot of tattoos, I didn't get them with other people's opinions in mind. I am however surprised at the negative comments here about tattoos. Just as society shuns tobacco smoking, society also shuns anything that does not fit into the cookie cutter mold, the ideas of the nuclear family and human perfection are truly what is wrong with the world today. Humans all come from different walks of life, color on skin does not define ones self. A person can be a monster without tattoos and tattoos do not reflect a "dumb decision" they are art nothing less, nothing more, one has to wonder what society has come to when boob and nose jobs are praised and tattoos are shunned.
I really find it an invasion of privacy when others expect me to give them an explanation about my tattoos, it is really none of their business what I do with my life, their approval is of no interest to me and I am entitled to my own free will. I have had my tattoos on my face since I was 17 years old that is half my lifetime I am now 35, I often get the question "Wont you regret that when you get older?" like they have a right to tell me what I will regret in another 17 years. Just because this happens to some people does not mean it will happen to me. I am proud of who I am and I do not need the approval of others to reassurance this. What matters to me is what my husband and children think, and to them I am beautiful, in fact they often tell me most beautiful woman in the world. ;)
So before judging others by something as simple as tattoos first look at what you do that maybe may not fit the mold of acceptance in today's society.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 19, 2012
denver co
I have my entire back done as well as both shoulders and both sides of my chest. A t-shirt covers everything.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 20, 2011
I have 17 so far, my wife and kids all have several. None of us ever got ink just because it "looked cool" each one means something to us. 4 of mine are visible in a short sleeved shirt and they have never cause me an issue at work, and that's in a corporate setting. I do find in interesting, has was already mentioned in this thread, that people with tattoos don't care if you don't have any. I have never had a problem with people asking about my ink, I'm always happy to talk about them. It's not really any different than someone commenting on a shirt I am wearing, to me at least. :puffy:

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