Again thanks for all of the advice. As for those who mentioned buying a pipe and leaving it in my vehicle. That would have not worked...we drove my wife's car to D.C.
Now about D.C. being inexpensive. I gotta tell you in all honesty that we have been going down for 10 years to visit my son. And for 10 years I've complained, along with my wife, how damn expensive that area is. When I take my son and 4 year old grand-daughter to dinner, or breakfast, it costs twice what I pay here in NY.
And we eat in restaurants not just in D.C., but the surrounding areas as well. Alexandria, Maclean, Falls Church. This last time down, I sprung for breakfast, and for 3 1/2 people it cost me $60 with the tip. I can go to a greasy spoon here and get eggs and extras for $6. I buy for 4 it costs me $35 with the tip.
I needed to buy a shirt because I did not bring enough clothes. I went to 3 stores looking for the same sport shirt I wear at home. The same $20 shirt here goes for $27 in D.C.
My sons property taxes, when he had his home, were crazy high. For a home that was smaller than mine here in NY, he was paying 4 times what I pay.
As for pipes? What'a joke! I went to two shops in neighboring D.C. and they wanted $16 for a $10 cob.
My son say's its expensive, but he loves living there. For me, I would love to move down to be with him and the grand-daughter, but honestly, my life style would change, and not for the better.